Friday, February 17, 2017

Revelation 1 To begin once again to read this book.. I have a sense of awe, like entering a grand and beautiful cathedral .  There is a stillness, a reverence.  The atmosphere is.. holy.  This is the revelation of Jesus Christ,  "which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants."  We are blessed to read it and to heed it, verse 3 tells us, " for the time is near."

The message is to the churches from " Him who is and who was and who is to come."
It is from the "seven Spirit who are before the throne." and
 It is "from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first born of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth."
The One who loves us.
The One who "released us from our sins."
The One who made us a kingdom.
The One who is coming with the clouds.
The One who was pierced.
The One who is Alpha and Omega.
The Almighty.

There can be no mistaking John's emphasis here.. this is God speaking.  Listen carefully!

Verses 9-20 describe John's vision on Patmos.
He heard a sound and turned around.. and fell on his face, for there stood the glorified Jesus.
He stood in the middle of seven golden lamp stands.
He was covered in a long robe with a golden sash.
His head and hair were white like snow.
His eyes burned like fire.
His feet glowed like bronze in a fire.
His voice was like the roar of an ocean.
He held seven stars in His hand.
His face was like the sun.
His mouth produced a sword.

But He gently lifted John up off of his face, saying those words that John had heard before, " Do not be afraid;"

To see Him who is "the first and the last .. the living One" who was dead but is alive; who "holds the keys of death and of Hades".  Imagine it.  How long will we spend falling on our faces on that day that we behold Him?

Father in heaven, we bless Your holy name and give You thanks for Your words to us.  Grant us ears to hear and to heed Your message to us through this book.. through the Bible.  Help us to remember that You are the Almighty , who was and is and will be! Everything is in Your hands.  Jesus is Lord of all and we are His bondservants. Praise the Lord.

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