Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I John 3

Psalm 145: 11-12 " They shall speak of the  glory of the kingdom, and talk of Thy power; to make known to the sons of men Thy mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of Thy kingdom."   The kingdom of God - is everlasting and His dominion endures to all generations.. ( verse13).

We are currently caught up in the political debates of our country that focus on our new president's agenda, which is quite different than our former president's agenda.  But, the agenda that really counts is the One that belongs to the King of Glory.  As I was thinking about that a few days ago, it occurred to me that His agenda has always been summed up in one word - Love.
The greatest commandment.. in His kingdom,  to accomplish His agenda, is to love the Lord with all our hearts , souls, minds, and strength .
The second, is to love our neighbors like ourselves.

John's message continues to focus on this Kingdom agenda.
The Light has shone to reveal this truth - the glory of the majesty of God's kingdom is love - love for the Father, who has bestowed His love on us and called us His children; and love for each other - in fellowship.. in communion.. in koinonia.

The world does not "know" this... this love..  it can't comprehend it, can't receive it, can't understand it.. or us, "because it did not know Him." ( v1)
But, we do.  We are not perfect yet... but we have the hope that is fixed on Him.. and there will be a day when we will see Him perfectly and be "like Him" .. and this hope "purifies" us. ( v2-3)

 A life based on this Truth and drawn into this love partnership is one that has recognized the sin and lawlessness in his own heart, and has come to know that Jesus "appeared in order to take away sins." 
In His kingdom, we abide in Him, we fellowship with Him, we partner with the One who has NO sin.  He is righteous  and brings us into His righteousness.  He changes our practices... from sinful living that started with the devil, into righteous living which is most obvious by the presence of love. 

John says that the "children of the devil" are obvious - by their unrighteousness and their lack of love.
They are like Cain.. who hated his brother and killed him. In God's sight hatred equals murder.
Hate - misos.. to detest.. to love less. ...
It goes further than just not being tolerant or despising someone... for John continues, " But, whoever has the world's goods and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in Him?" 

God's definition of love, this love that is His topmost priority on His kingdom agenda is revealed, brought to light, and displayed in the flesh is this, " We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." ( v16)
Love like this comes only in the abiding.. in the partnership and communion with the Father and the Son.  We must have His love.. abiding in us.  Anything less that this.. is misos.. hate.

In Christ, we can go beyond loving with words and tongues, to loving in "deed and truth."  We will find assurance in our hearts and confidence before God when we live this way.  We will pray and receive, we will obey His commands and please Him by doing the deeds of love in truth.  He commands us to" believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another.. "  This is abiding.. this is love.  This is His agenda for each of us individually and for His church altogether.

Father in heaven, great Father of Lights, I am Your child and I worship You. I want to abide in You and I desire that You abide in me. Take my heart and mind and will.. and make it Your own.  Forgive my lack of love.. my misos... and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of love, that I might fully love as You do.  Cut away... prune.. the dead pieces of this branch, so that I might bear fruit.. much fruit to the glory of the Vine and the Vinedresser.  I need You, Lord.  Come and breath on me once again.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ my Master. amen.

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