Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Psalm 145... my favorite..   I memorized this psalm a few years ago and recited it in my head so often, meditating on all the truths found in it.. learning how to praise and bless and extol my Lord and King.  Unfortunately, my aging mind has betrayed me a bit, and I forget parts... but I want to learn it again.

Here are some things to think upon from this psalm:

To "bless" the Lord's name is to speak well of Him and to honor Him with our words.
To praise Him every day forever and ever will bless Him!
The Lord is great... His greatness is "unsearchable" - unfathomable; beyond what we can know.. Yes, He is worthy of the highest praise.
Each generation needs to.. NEEDS TO.. praise the works of God and declare His mighty acts to the next.
Each of us needs to meditate on His wonders and on His majesty.. and on His glorious splendor.
We need to speak.. we need to tell... we need to utter eagerly.. we need to shout joyfully... these truths about our God:
He is awesome!
He is great!
He is righteous!
He is gracious and merciful!
 He is slow to anger and great in lovingkindness!
He is good to all!
 He is compassionate about His creation!

We need to give Him thanks!
We need to talk about His kingdom.
We need to talk about His power.
We need to "make known" His works, His wonders, His everlasting kingdom.

It is the Lord who holds up those who are falling.
It is the Lord who raises up the humble.
It is the Lord who provides food for every creature.
It is the Lord who satisfies us.
It is the Lord who, in kindness and righteousness, is near when we call.
It it the Lord who hears us, saves us, keeps us, and loves us.
It is the Lord who justly deals with the wicked.

Yes, I will open my mouth to praise Him and to lead others to bless His Name forever!


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