Monday, February 13, 2017

I John 4:7-21  Love... John wants his readers to understand the truth about love.  It's like he can't say enough about it.. it is so important that we really GET it!
Point # 1
"Love is from God." v7
"God IS love" v8
God manifested His love by sending His Son. v9
God loves us. v10
God perfects or completes His love IN us. v12
Abiding in Love = abiding in God. v16

He is the source of love, the spring that flows into the river, that pours out into the ocean... Love began with Him and ends in Him.  Love is vital in our lives, because it is vital to Him.

Point #2
Because He loves us He:
manifested His love - made it known, brought it to light.
sent His Son - so that we might have life
made it a command because without it we can have no relationship with Him or with anyone.

Point #3
Love for each other:
proves our birth from God
proves that we know God
comes from His love for us
brings His abiding presence in us
makes us a witness of the Truth "that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world."
gives us confidence in the day of judgement
removes the fear of punishment
completes us
reveals our love for God

Father, thank You for loving us, for revealing Your great love for each of us individually so that we might know You.  Thank You for sending Your Son to be my Savior. Thank You for letting me "come to know and [believe] the love which God has for " me.  Lead me into that love.  Deeper and deeper.
Let my heart overflow with Your river of Love.  Help me to love my brother and my neighbor.  Help me to love my enemy as well as my friend.  Help me to be complete in Your great Love.

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