Friday, February 3, 2017

Psalm 147-150  This hymn book of sacred songs comes to a beautiful crescendo with these words of praise to the Lord, our God.

Psalm 147 continues the unending list of His great grace towards mankind.  We praise Him because He:
Gathers outcasts.
Heals the brokenhearted.
Binds up our wounds.
and He numbers the stars and calls them by name.

Our great God is "abundant in strength ". 
He has infinite understanding.
He sees and cares for the afflicted.
He tackles the wicked.

Our God "provides rain for the earth."
He makes grass grow.
He feeds the animals. Even the ravens.
He isn't impressed with the strength of a horse or a man...
But, He "favors those who fear Him."

God strengthens ...
He blesses...
He makes peace.
He satisfies.
He commands nature... the snow is His, the wind is His.

Psalm 148 is a call for all of creation to praise the Lord.  Everything from the highest heavens to the lowest depth of the sea.  Everyone from the angels in glory to the child in your arms...
"For HIs name alone is exalted; His glory is above earth and heaven."

Psalm 149 shows us how to praise Him...
With new songs..
With congregations.
With dancing.
With instruments.
With joy and gladness...
 Sing praises everywhere and always.. "For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation." 

Psalm 150 Praise to the Lord comes from hearts that recognize His "excellent greatness".  The final note rings out with clear beauty and majesty.. " Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" 

Father,  You are great, with unsearchable, boundless greatness.  You are gracious and compassionate, You are powerful and awesome.  We praise You with our every breath..  even as You give us breath.  Praise the Lord!  You have healed our broken hearts.  You have set us free from sin, death, and the devil.  You have given us salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  You have brought us near to Yourself.  You have forgiven us and cleansed us and made us righteous by the blood of the Lamb.  We exalt You and bless Your name. You are worthy of our highest praise.  Praise the Lord! Amen.

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