Monday, February 20, 2017

Revelation 2:1-7  The letter to Ephesus begins with an encouraging word.. " I know your deeds.. your toil and perseverance ..."  The Lord is pleased with this work of the church.  They are being diligent to protect the truth.  They are discerning between evil, false teachers and those who have the truth.

But,  there is a big part of Truth that is missing.. and that is love.  The kind of love that they had at first.  Their love for the Lord had grown cold.  They were now acting out of a sense of right and wrong instead of out of love for the Lord who saved them from sin and death and hell.  They were in danger of becoming like the Pharisees... self-righteous and judgmental.  They were right to condemn the Nicolaitans who were immoral and profane.  But, they needed to repent of their lack of love for the Lord and for each other.  ( Reminds me of I Corinthians 13:2 "and if I have the gift of prophesy and know all mysteries and all knowledge; ... but do not love, I am nothing.")

Hear this Truth, Jesus says, hear and overcome!

What can we learn from this message.. this warning to the church.. to us individually?
Are we so busy judging those who have a different opinion.. even a false ideology.. that we forget that they need to know the Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and save those who are lost?

Are we taking for granted the love of our heavenly Father that we forget to humble ourselves in worship and thanksgiving that He has chosen to give us His unconditional love at the price of the spilt blood of the only Begotten Son?

Have we lost the passion of our first love for Christ who died for us and freely forgives our great debts of sin?

Truth is vital. Love is essential.

Father, You have taught us the truth and we desire to live and walk in Your Light by the faith that You have granted us. Let us not grow weary in that, even as You told the Ephesians.  But, even more so, help us to not neglect Your love. Let us not forget that You have commanded us to first love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and then to love our neighbor as ourselves.  You are not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.. the truth of Your love for the world.  No matter who we come across, no matter their political opinions, their false religion, or their hatred of us... out of love for You.. may we love them and may our deeds not only be based on truth, but filled with love.  We ask this in the name of the Jesus, the lover of our souls. Amen.

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