Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I John 2  John writes... shining the light into the darkness, to reveal the Truth.  He exposes the sin that hides in the shadows of every heart.  Don't be fooled, he warns us... don't deceive yourself that you're ok, that you haven't sinned.  Instead, confess it.. acknowledge it.. for we have One who forgives and cleanses and makes righteous.

Jesus Christ.. our "Advocate with the Father" - the intercessor, the paracletos.  The consoler.
Jesus Christ the "propitiation for our sins" - the atonement, the expiator who pays the penalty.

It is in knowing Him and abiding in Him, that Life is manifested... brought out of the shadows and into the true light.
When we know Him, John says, then we will "keep His commandments" and we will "walk in the same manner as He walked."  We will be in "fellowship" with the Father and the Son.  We will be in communion with them. We will communicate with them.  We will partner with them.  We will share with them.

Light will expose the sin in this fellowship... and the biggest, baddest, deadliest sin that it will expose is hatred.
Hatred hides in the shadows.
Hatred causes stumbling.
Hatred causes blindness.
But, the Light comes and shines and tells us again and again, " your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake."!  Your hatred is forgiven you.. for His name's  sake.
When you come to know Him, you will overcome evil. You will overcome hatred.
Stay strong and keep overcoming... by keeping fellowship with the Father and the Son.

Abide in God, not in the world.. John counsels us.
The world is "passing away".  It is temporary.
So don't waste your time lusting after what is flesh.
Don't get sucked into those things that tempt your eyes.
Don't fall into the trap of pride.
Those things are the same tricks that the devil has used since the beginning .
By the Holy Spirit, we can know the Truth that is found in Jesus Christ and keep in partnership with Him.

There are those who are "antichrists" who deny Jesus and deny God.
They are pretenders.
They are liars.
They try to deceive the children of God.
But, we have no need to fall into their traps.  We have the Holy Spirit so that we can discern the Truth. We do not need to shrink back. We are secure in His righteousness.

Oh, what great love!  What amazing grace!

Father, O Holy and Glorious God who shines Your light into our darkness and reveals all truth, how we praise You. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see Your glory, Your Truth, and your Love.  Come fill us again with Your Spirit and abide with us.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus our Advocate. Amen.

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