Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Revelation 2:18-29 The letter to Thyatira focuses on purity.   Jesus, " who has eyes like a flame of fire and His feet are like burnished bronze" ... "searches the minds and hearts; and .. will give to each one of you according to  [his] deeds." 

Overall the church was solid - their "deeds.. love and faith.. service and perseverance.." pleased the Lord.  But, there was an issue.  They were tolerating "Jezebel".  A false prophetess who was immoral and was leading others in the church into that immorality.  The Lord was ready to not only cast her into a "bed of sickness"  but to bring sickness and death to her followers, unless they repented.

Hold fast, overcome, "keep My deeds".. the Lord exhorts the church.
Those who do will be given authority over nations and  "the morning star".

The world, especially in our nation, condemns those that they consider intolerant.  We are biased if we speak the truth about sin.  Immorality especially.  Here is the express will of God in the matter.
We must not tolerate immorality in the church.  We will be condemned by the Lord if we do.
Instead, we must hold fast to the truth, we must seek to be pure of heart, allowing Christ , who searches minds and hearts, to purify us thoroughly. 

This is what I read this morning from The Imitation of Christ, " By two wings a man is lifted up from things earthly, namely Simplicity and Purity. Simplicity ought to be in our intention; purity in our affections. Simplicity doth tend towards God; purity doth apprehend and taste Him."   To seek the will of God and the good of your neighbor.. simplicity and purity.  

So far, the letters have called us to overcome by:
always acting out of our love relationship with the Lord;
remembering that Life is given to those who are faithful ;
holding to the vital truth ;
and being pure (not tolerating immorality in the church);

Father, hear our prayers for Your church, for we are Your possession.  May our deeds be out of our deep love for You, which we received through the great love You have shown us through Christ our Savior.  May we be faithful to the point of death, standing firm in the Word.  May we not allow false teaching to water down or pollute the doctrines that You have built Your church upon.  May we never tolerate immorality in our midst, but repent and be pure before You.  Thank You for the Word that sheds Your Light on our paths.  Amen.

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