Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Psalm 78  This psalm is a history lesson for the people of Israel.  "Listen, O my people, to my instructions."

Here are the words that should be taught to every child.. so that they will know God and praise Him. 
"But tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done." 

v1- 7  God established a covenant with His people.  He gave them  the Law.  He commanded them to teach it to their children.  "That they should put their confidence in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments." In other words, so that they can have a right relationship with Him.

But Israel failed to keep the covenant with the Lord.
They were stubborn and rebellious.
They did not "prepare" or put right their hearts.
They were unfaithful to Him.
They refused to walk in HIs ways.
They forgot His deeds.

So, the psalmist reminds them of what they have forgotten:
God " wrought wonders before their fathers", He displayed His power and strength -
He -
 "divided the sea"
" made the waters stand up like a heap"
" led them with the cloud by day, and all the night with a light of fire."
"split the rocks" and gave them water.
"rained down manna upon them to eat"
"rained meat upon them like the dust"

And He did all this while they mumbled, whined, rebelled, and sinned against Him.
They failed to believe in Him and they did not trust Him.
He gave them the promised land.
He forgave them.
He had compassion on them.
He knew their weakness.

There came a time when their rebellion against Him resulted in filling God with wrath.
Then He sent them into captivity .
Yet even then, God did not abandon them.  He brought them back to the land and chose the tribe of Judah, His servant David, to shepherd His people.

God gave a specific set of Laws that were meant for every generation. ( Yes, including us)
The people of Israel failed to even come close to keeping these laws. ( Us too)
In order to once again be the people of the Lord they needed to remember their history.
Specifically, they needed to go over again all that God did in order that they could become a nation.
Every miracle needs to be acknowledged.
Every failure to believe and trust, needs to be confessed. 

The truth of Who God is needs to be remembered and praised. 
God understands our failures and weaknesses.
God will forgive our iniquities.
God will redeem us from the adversary.
God holds us accountable for our rebellion and unbelief.
God's wrath will not be held back forever.
God desires to lead us into His paths.

We must choose to follow Him. 

Father in heaven, praise to the everlasting God, the God Most High, who has given to us such a great salvation. Thank You for redeeming us with the blood of Christ. Thank You for forgiving our sins and making us Your own. Help us to be faithful and true to You always. Strengthen Your people, O Lord and help us to never forget how Great You are!  You are the God who does wonders and mighty works and You have not changed.  I put my trust in You.  I will follow You and obey Your word, by the power of Your Spirit in me.  Help me to do this Lord, in the power of the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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