Monday, October 17, 2016

Psalm 74  When the enemy strikes and devastation fills our lives and homes and families... when we feel as if God has forgotten us, abandoned us, and we can no longer find hope... then we must remember:

God is our King from of old.
He "works deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth"( v12)
He can divide the seas.
He can break the heads of "sea monsters" ( v13)
He can crush monsters and use them as food for the creatures in the wilderness.( v14)
He can provide springs or torrents.
He can dry up streams. ( v15)
He owns the day and the night.
He controls the light and the sun. (v16)
He "established all the boundaries of the earth." 
He created and controls summer and winter. (V17)

Because God is God... we can rest in His power, trust His promises, and praise His name. 
The enemy will not succeed.
The wicked will not go unpunished.
The righteous will not be forgotten.
His covenants will be completed.
The afflicted and needy will praise Him.

Father, we choose to honor You and hallow Your name. We submit to Your rule as our King and desire that Your good, acceptable, and perfect will be done in us today.  All belongs to You, Lord, so we humbly ask for daily bread from Your gracious hand.  We pray for forgiveness for every sin and let go of all trespasses, all who have crossed the line, against us.   Lead us in Your paths today and deliver us from the evil enemy.  We ask this in the precious name of the Savior, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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