Thursday, October 27, 2016

Psalm 80   Always, in times of trouble, the psalmist calls upon the Lord.  The need is great and the only solution is God's face.  ".. cause Thy face to shine upon us, and we will be saved:"

It is the prayer that we need to repeat here, now, in our nation. "Restore us", o Lord!
We are nation that has squandered her wealth, her wisdom, and her heritage.  We have forsaken the face of God and the result is great darkness.  Shine Your face upon us, O Lord, and we will be saved!
He is still enthroned above the cherubim.
He is still the Lord God of hosts..
He is the only Hope of salvation.

We must pray... seriously pray to our God Most High.

 James 2:1-13
James is teaching practical truths of the faith.
Faith that endures trials because we trust God to make us complete in Him.
Faith that knows that everything good has been given by the Father.
Faith that has received His Word humbly and endeavors to do it, not just hear it.
Faith that is pure and undefiled and full of love for those in need.
Faith that is not biased.
Faith that is full of grace and mercy in words and action.

God has chosen us, "the poor",  "to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him..." To do less than what He has called us to do, dishonors His Name.
He calls us to "... love your neighbor as yourself".  James calls this the "royal law".  He says that when we are doing this we "are doing well."

Father, restore Your people, to truth and love and faith.  You have given us everything we need to walk in Your Light.  Help us to be faithful and to live by your Word.  We seek Your Face, Lord.  You are our everything.  May Your will be done in us today, I pray in the glorious Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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