Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Psalm 79  The enemies of Israel - invaded, defiled, ruined, poured out, scoffed, derided, and fed their dead bodies to the wild birds and beasts.  The psalmist calls out to the Lord for vengeance on them, yet mercy on Israel.  His prayer focuses on the glory of the Name of the Lord.   For if the people of God and the nation of God are destroyed, the nations would say, "Where is their God?"

In our days, we hear something similar.  When there is war, violence, or natural disasters, people want to lash out at God or refuse to believe that a good God exists that could allow it.  But, we know that God is good and even when there are trials, even horrid atrocities... it is the result of the wickedness in men's hearts, not God's will.  He allows destruction, as He did in Israel, because of their sin and rebellion.

James 1

" Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials."  James tells us.
Trials of all kinds are part of life. It is how we deal with them that makes the difference.
Trials do test our faith.  We can endure... or we can turn away.
If we choose to keep trusting in the Lord, He will bring about completeness in us.
If we turn away from Him, we lose....everything.
"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he is approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."  ( v12)

How do we persevere?
We ask for wisdom and receive it from His generous hand.
If we are poor, we thank Him for making us His children.
If we are rich, we thank Him for making us His servant.
We recognize that temptation comes from within ourselves, not from God.
We recognize that lust in our hearts, if allowed, will lead to sin and death.
We recognize and acknowledge that " every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow."
So we can completely trust Him!
We must live according to His Word.. "the word of Truth".
We must learn to be quick to hear and slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
We must put aside everything filthy, wicked, and deceptive.
We must "in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls." 
We must be doers of the word.
We must look intently at  the words that  God has given us to live by, and then do what it says. 
We must understand that true religion is not what is on the outside, but what is in the heart,  what is pure and acceptable and good in His eyes.

Father, Shepherd of your people,  lead us in Your paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.   May we, Your people, never cause others to question where You are.  Help us to make Your Name known and glorified in our nation.  Help us to persevere.  Help us to live by Your word and do Your will.  Help us to be pure and blameless before You.  You are good and we put our trust in You today.  Praise Your holy Name. amen.

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