Monday, October 24, 2016

Psalm 77

Verses 1- 10  draw a picture of the psalmists desperate situation - he was:
crying out to God
seeking the Lord day and night
reaching out his hands to the Lord
unable to sleep
unable to speak
trying to connect with God, but feeling rejected and unloved.

Had God rejected him?
Had He ceased loving him?
Were His promises broken?
Had God forgotten His grace?
Was He so angry that He was no longer compassionate?

v10 "Then I said, 'It is my grief, that the right hand of the Most High has changed,'"
God does not change, but in our infirmities, grief, and suffering, it seems that He has.

v11-20  The psalmist determines to remember the Truth about the Lord.
 He thinks of the deeds that God has done.
He ponders the works of God's hands.
He remembers that God's ways are holy.
He declares that no god is great "like our God". 
God is the "God who workest wonders."
God makes known His strength to us.
God redeems His people by His own power.
Even the waters of the ocean tremble before God.
The clouds, the skies, the lightning, and the whirlwinds.. obey Him.
The earth itself trembles before God.
God led His people through the sea,  " and Thy paths in the mighty waters, and Thy footprints may not be known.  Thou didst lead Thy people like a flock.." 

God left His footprints in the bed of the Red Sea as He led the people of Israel through to the promised land.  God, Who never changes, will surely lead us through grief, through illness, through problems, and through the uncertainties of life. 
He will not cease to hear us when we call out to Him... even if it doesn't seem like it.
He will not reject us or stay angry with us if we repent and obey Him.
His promises are always true.
His grace is always sufficient.
His compassion never fails.
He is faithful.
He is powerful.
He is strong.
He is worthy of our praise and worship.

Father in heaven, my Shepherd, who leads me in green pastures and beside still waters.  You will never leave me nor forsake me.  I praise Your Name.  Thank You for reminding me that You are unchanging.. always good, always in control,  always compassionate and full of grace.  You are slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  Your kingdom is glorious and full of Your majesty.  It is everlasting.  I cling to You, Lord.  Fill me with Your Spirit even now, that I might see Your glory.

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