Monday, October 31, 2016

Psalm 83  The psalmist calls upon the Lord to deal with the enemies of Israel.  He wants them made like "whirling dust".   He calls upon God to use wind, fire, and storms to bring them to their knees.
"That they may know that Thou alone, whose name is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth." 

James 3.  James has been writing about true faith which is accompanied by actions of love.  In this next section he focuses on the tongue.  " So speak and act, as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty." ( 2:12) What we say is just as important as what we do.
The tongue is:
a fire
a "world of iniquity"
 able to set " on fire the course of our life"
" set on fire by hell"
restless evil
full of deadly poison
able to bless and curse

It is of such importance that if one can "not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man." 
James compares the tongue to a small bit that controls a large horse, or a small rudder that controls a large ship.  Small but powerful.

Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 12: 34-37.  "... for the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart."  A man who has a "good treasure" will speak good.  One who has "evil treasure" will speak evil.  Words are so important, Jesus says, that we will render an account before the Lord for every "careless word".  " For by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned." 

Like true faith is revealed by the works we do.. it is also revealed by the words we speak. 
Both works and words reveal what is in our hearts. 

There are 2 kinds of "wisdom" , James teaches.  One is "earthly, natural, and demonic" - the heart is full of "bitter jealousy and selfish ambition". It is arrogant and deceitful.  It is causes disorder and evil.
But, true wisdom is that which comes from the Lord.  " .. the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy." 

The New World Dictionary defines wisdom as, " the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, etc.
The word wise is defined as " to see, to know, having or showing good judgement.. informed... "

So, if we have only earthly wisdom, we will make judgements based on what we know and understand naturally.  James tells us that this is driven by our sinful selves and will result in evil.

But, if we ask for and receive wisdom from God, Who freely and generously gives it.. we will make good judgements based on His Truth.  God's wisdom is pure, without sin.  It is unselfish.  It is full of peace, mercy, and gentleness. It bears fruit.. righteousness and peace.

Our words and works will prove or reveal what kind of wisdom we are operating our lives by - if our hearts are driven by natural wisdom they will be  arrogant, selfish, and deceitful  and our words and actions will be too.  But, if we have received true wisdom from above and live accordingly than our works and words will show it.  We need to keep our hearts filled up with the Good wisdom and live it out in our words and deeds. 

Father in heaven, fill us with Your wisdom today.  Let Your Word sink deep into our hearts and saturate our lives so that all that we do and all that we say will be pure and peaceable, gentle and reasonable, merciful and good.. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

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