Thursday, October 6, 2016

Psalm 69  We all have felt at times that we are " in over our heads"... and this is how David felt.  What he faced in his life is hundreds of times worse than anything I have faced, but  I can relate.
David's faith in God continues to encourage us as he shares his sorrows and his joys through his songs.

Lessons to learn:
No matter what, we can call out to God to save us. (v1)
God knows all about how foolish we have been, can be, and will be again..(v 5)
Nothing we do, think, or plan is hidden from God. (v5)
Our wrongs,  might bring shame upon other Christians.. we need to ask Him to keep that from happening. (v6)
We may be reproached, dishonored, or rejected for doing what is right in the Lord's eyes.  ( v7,8)
Those who hate the Lord, will hate us too. (v9)

God hears our prayers.
God's lovingkindness is great.
God's truth is saving.
God alone can deliver us.  ( v13-14)
His lovingkindness is good.
His compassion is great. (v16)
He is the God who sees us.
He is the God who draws near to us.
He is the God who redeems our soul and ransoms us. ( v17-18)

When all others turn away from us.. God does not. (v20)
God will deal with each person, good or evil, with justice and mercy.
Even when we are afflicted and in pain, we can worship Him who saves us, lifts us up,  and loves us.
Praise and thanksgiving magnify God and is pleasing to Him. (v30-31)
The Lord hears the humble and needy. ( v32-33)
God is preparing a place for His people and we will dwell in it. ( v35-36)

Father in heaven, Mighty God and Everlasting King,  we praise You.  You are our help, our salvation, and our deliverer.  This world overwhelms us sometimes.  Some days we do feel the weight of the world.. sin, rebellion, foolishness, violence, and pain.  How it must grieve Your heart.  Daily You bear our burdens, Your word says.. and we thank You.  Thank You for seeing us, for knowing us, for loving us, and for saving us.  We praise You, mighty Redeemer, for You have paid our ransom.  You have revived our hearts. You have heard our prayers.  Thank You.
Jesus, Lord and Master, we pray in Your Name,

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