Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Psalm 75

We give thanks to God and forever declare His praise because:

He is near. v1
He does wondrous works.
He judges the earth with equity. v2
He created, rules, and controls the whole earth and everything and everyone in it. v3
He has established righteousness and condemns boasting, pride, and wickedness.v4
He alone is exalted and no other should be. v6
He alone is the Judge. v7
He decides who is lifted up and who is put down!
He will distribute the cup of His wrath and the wicked will "drain" it and "drink down its dregs". v8
He will "cut off" .."the horns of the wicked." ( They will lose their strength )
He will lift up "the horns of the righteous." ( They will be given strength).

Father, Righteous Judge, You alone are King and Your reign is forever.  We declare Your greatness.
Father, may You be exalted over all the earth!  Thank You for being near to us when we call on You.
Father,  You decide who will be put down or lifted up.  In this election ahead of us, we see two people who are boastful, proud, and who have done wicked things.  Your word says that You judge with equity. You alone know their hearts and plans for our country.  Please put down the wicked and raise up the righteous for the sake of our nation and for the sake of Your people.  We pray in the Name of Jesus our Savior. amen.

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