Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Psalm 6

Father,  You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  You are Ruler of all, Immortal, Invisible,                                   the only wise God.  You hear our prayers, you hear our weeping, and our pleas.  You receive our prayers, and You rescue our souls. How wonderful is Your lovingkindness towards us!  Honor and praise to You, O Lord.  Amen.

 Hebrews 2

"For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it." ( v1)

Because Jesus is the "radiance of His glory"; because He is the "exact representation of His nature";  because He made all things and upholds all things; because He is unchanging and unending;  because He sits at the right hand of God, the Father.... we need to pay MUCH closer attention to the WORD - spoken "in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things.."

The Word, previously spoken through prophets and fathers and angels... is "unalterable" - steadfast, firm, and forceful.  ".. every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense."  The Law was given to Moses by God.  It is His standard, revealed to mankind. Reward and punishment is clearly taught.  But, more importantly, the Word, Jesus Himself, is even more unalterable!  He has provided to us "so great a salvation"!  If we neglect this we are under even more condemnation than if we neglect the Law.

Jesus spoke the Word.. the Living Word.
It was confirmed by those who heard .
God bore witness to it by "signs and wonders".
The Holy Spirit gave gifts to also bear witness of the Truth.

God has subjected - put under obedience and subordination - the "world to come" and "all things" to Jesus.  There  is "nothing that is not subject to Him."
Why?  Because Jesus was humbled, becoming lower than the angels and suffered death.  He tasted death for everyone.  And He has been crowned with" glory and honor".   Jesus became "flesh and blood".  He became like us and "is not ashamed to call them ( us!) brethren".   Through death, He rendered "powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil."

" .. He had to be made like His brethren in all things, that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people."   So that He can help us... 

This is the Word, the great salvation, the unalterable truth that we must not neglect, but pay much closer attention to... lest we drift away. 

Father, our God and Savior, and Jesus Christ our Lord and Brother,  our Great High Priest,  we give You praise and honor and glory.  We are thankful for such a great salvation, offered to us who are lower than the angels.. unworthy of such a gift.  We are subject to You and we acknowledge that fact willingly and gladly.  Your will be done, in us, and in all of creation.  Amen.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Psalm 5:7  "But as for me, by Thine abundant lovingkindness I will enter Thy house, Thy holy temple,  I will bow in reverence for Thee."  Father in Heaven,  You do not take pleasure in the wicked.  They will fall.  They will be destroyed.  But, those who will repent and turn back to You, will find refuge.  Lead us in Your ways Lord.  Thank You for the  grace and mercy You have given to those who will believe.  Thank You for surrounding me with Your favor, "as with a shield".   You are faithful O Lord.  Your love "reaches the heavens". I am so thankful that You have given me salvation through Jesus Christ Your Beloved Son.  amen

Hebrews 1

God spoke to "fathers" - to Adam and Eve, to Moses and Noah, to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.
God spoke to "prophets" - like Elijah and Elisha, Isaiah and Jeremiah Etc.
And then, God spoke through His Son, Jesus.

The appointed heir.
The maker of the world.
The radiance of God's glory.
The "exact representation" of God's nature.
The One who "upholds all things by the word of His power". 
The One who "made purification of sins".
The One who "sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high".

He is higher than any angel.
He has "inherited a more excellent Name"
He is the "Begotten" of the Father.
He is "The Son".

The angels worship Him.
They are His servants,  His "ministers".
His throne is forever.
His scepter is righteous.
He loves righteousness and hates lawlessness.
He is anointed by God.

He laid the earth's foundation.
He formed the heavens.
There will come a time when these will perish, but He will never change.

"But Thou are the same, and Thy years will not come to an end"
All His enemies will be made a footstool for His feet.
He sends out His angels to "render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation." 

Meditate on these truths. Then, like David, bow in reverence for Him.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Paul writes this personal letter for the sake of his friend Onesimus, a run away slave who belonged to Philemon.  Onesimus has become a believer and needs to return to Philemon and make things right.  Paul takes the role of mediator, hoping for reconciliation and perhaps even more... freedom for Onesimus.

I have no verses underlined here.. unusual for me.  Yet there are lessons to learn in this short letter.
For one,  we can be reminded that God works in unusual ways.  Paul is in prison in Rome when he meets this runaway slave that belongs to his friend, Philemon.  Paul equally loves Philemon, a wealthy man, and Onesimus, a slave.  God has called each of them to salvation and service in Christ Jesus.

I can be encouraged by this.. that no matter what my status in this world might really doesn't matter to my Lord.  His grace is available to the lowest and the highest.  The Lord even used Onesimus' disobedience and rebellion to bring him to salvation!  What grace!

I am also reminded here that love takes sacrifice.  Philemon had every right to punish Onesimus or to keep him as a slave. Yet, it appears he consented to do good.. to release his rights over Onesimus as Paul has requested. Whether he ever charged anything to Paul's account, who knows?  I would hope not.

Paul must have prayed a lot about this situation, for both Philemon and for Onesimus, both his friends and fellow believers in Christ.

Father, we are all like Onesimus, for we have gone our own way, rebelling against You, our Maker.  We are all like sheep who have gone astray.  Thank You for sending a mediator, the Lord Jesus, Who took upon Himself all the punishment that was rightfully due us.  Thank Your for reconciling with us and restoring us to Yourself.  Lord, set us apart for Yourself.  Help us also to do what is good. To sacrifice .. to love.. to give.. to pray.  To be mediators whenever we can, helping others to be reconciled with each other and especially with You.  Father,  You are the God Who forgives, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Worthy of all praise and honor and blessing! I praise You Lord, God in heaven above and on earth below, for there is no other.  Amen.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Titus 3   As we follow sound doctrine and live sensible lives, following Paul's instructions, we will also do well to remember:

To be subject to the rulers and authorities over us.
To obey the laws of our country.
To be ready to do good deeds. 
To NOT malign anyone - to not vilify or speak evil or revile "anyone"!
To be uncontentious.
To be gentle.
To show consideration for all men. ( verses 1-2)

Why?  Because, " we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another." (v3)

"But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior."  ( verses 4-6)

Paul tells the believers to be ready to do good deeds, to be careful to do good deeds, to engage in good deeds,  to learn to do good deeds... that we might be examples, that we might bear fruit, that we might be profitable to others.  Our deeds - our labor, our work, our occupation is to be "good" -  beautiful, valuable,  virtuous, honest, and worthy. 

In this season of political craziness...... when all we hear from the candidates is their maligning of one another... these words strike a chord.  We must not be like the world in these ways.  We are called to a higher standard.

Father, forgive us for failing to obey Your Word , for failing to control our tongues and to take our thoughts captive to the cause of Jesus Christ our Lord.  May we mindful of Your kindness towards us.  May we speak words of encouragement and peace.  May we do what is beautiful and honest and worthy of the calling that You have so graciously given to each of us. Oh how wonderful You are, Lord.  Thank You for saving us.  Amen ,

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Titus 2  Paul tells Titus to teach "sound doctrine".  Others turned away from the truth and taught "things they should not teach, for the sake of sordid gain".  They were false teachers who professed to know God but acted in ways that denied Him.

Sound doctrine, in contrast, would enable the believers to live so as to "adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect."  Paul gives us a detailed description of that kind of living in verses 2-10.

Older men who live according to sound doctrine will be: temperate ( sober, diligent, and circumspect); dignified; sensible; sound in faith, love, and perseverance.

Older women will be: reverent in behavior ;  won't gossip; won't be enslaved to wine; and will teach what is good to the younger woman.

Younger woman will learn to be loving wives and mothers; they will be sensible; kind; pure; workers at home; subject to their own husbands.

Younger men will also be sensible; good examples; doing good deeds; pure in doctrine; dignified; sound in speech; beyond reproach;

A genuine faith in God who has brought us salvation through Christ will "instruct us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age".  It will also lead us to look "for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus; who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds."

The qualities of genuine Christian character truly contrast with the world as we know it, don't they?

Our world celebrates those who are undignified and  who have no self-control at all.  They ridicule the idea of women who stay at home and care for their families.  They have no room for those who don't party with them, drinking and causing chaos.  Where are those who are "sensible"?  Those with sound minds and self-control ?  Those who are "sound in speech"?

These qualities make us beautiful in our Savior's eyes!  They are the adornment for His bride.  These are also the qualities that our world so desperately needs to see, so that they can see Jesus.  This is what makes us salt and light to a world without Him.

Father in heaven,  we must cling to Your Word and live according to Your sound doctrine.  Help us to live sensible, pure, godly, and righteous lives, all of our lives.  We look to You in good faith, according to Your wonderful grace. In Christ alone we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Psalm 1 and Titus 1 have this in common,  both talk about the righteous in contrast with the wicked.

Psalm 1 tells us that the righteous man:
Does not listen or follow the counsel of the wicked.
Does not follow the way of the ungodly.
Does not join in with the scoffers.
But, does delight in God's word,
Does meditate on the Word day and night.
Is fruitful, flourishing, and prosperous.

The wicked, in contrast, are:
Useless like chaff in the wind.
Unable to stand in the judgement.
Unable to sit with the righteous.

Paul, writing to Titus, describes the qualities of those who can be leaders in the church... the righteous:

A good husband and father.
Above reproach.
Not self-willed.
Not quick tempered.
Not addicted to wine.
Not quarrelsome,
Not greedy.
".. hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word... able both to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict."

The wicked are:  "rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers... "  They turn away from the truth.  And they are defiled, " both their mind and their conscience are defiled. They profess to know God but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed."

Those who delight in God's Word and have come to the knowledge of the Truth and who live according to all the God has revealed.. will flourish and bear fruit.   But, all who refuse to hold to the revealed Word of God, the Truth,  will be empty, defiled and without worth.. like chaff.

Father in heaven,  You are the God of peace and of hope.  We look to You and delight in Your word.  We want to truly know You and live a flourishing life the brings glory to Your Name.  Our Savior and Lord, we place our hope and faith in You alone, to accomplish all of Your perfect will in us.  Make us pure in heart and sound in doctrine.  Help us to bring the message of reconciliation to those who are walking in the wrong paths, that they too may be freed from the dominion of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Christ Jesus.  For we pray this in His name. Amen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Job 39-42  The Lord continues to challenge Job's thinking.  In response to Job's desire to confront the Lord and plead his cause, God makes plain just Who He really is... the Creator and Sustainer of all life.

Here the Lord gives us a glimpse of His intimate knowledge and interaction with His creation-

He knows when the mountain goats give birth. Job doesn't.
He knows the way a deer delivers her young. Job doesn't.
He knows the place and needs of a wild donkey. Job doesn't.
He knows the strength of a wild ox. Job doesn't.
He knows the ostrich and the horse, the hawk and the eagle... Job doesn't.

God, the Creator of all, made each species according to His plan.  He knows the differences and the similarities ... and Job does not.

40:1-2  "Then the Lord said to Job, 'Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?  Let him who reproves God answer it.'"

What can Job say?  " Then Job answered the Lord and said, ' Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to Thee? I lay my hand on my mouth. Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; even twice and I will add no more. ' "

This answer does not seem sufficient for the Lord, for He continues to question Job.
v8 " Will you really annul My judgement?  Will you condemn Me that you may be justified? Or do you have an arm like God, and can you thunder with a voice like His?" 

Can you make yourself majestic, Job?
Can you humble the proud, Job?
Can you knock down the wicked, Job?
If you can do any of those things, then perhaps you can save yourself... the Lord challenges Job.

Then He goes on to describe two powerful creatures - the Behemoth and the Leviathan.
The Behemoth "which I made as well as you"...  the Lord tells Job-
eats grass, has amazing strength in his loins and belly; has a tail like a cedar tree, has bones like bronze and limbs like iron.  "He is the first of the ways of God"  This creature is served by the mountains and does not fear even the raging river.
The Leviathan  is a powerful creature that cannot be caught.  "Lay your hand on him, remember the battle; you will not do it again!"  Love the humor inserted here!

 If "no one is so fierce that he dares to arouse him; Who then is he that stands before Me?  Who has given Me that I should repay him? Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine."  This creature, who breathes out fire and smoke, who treats iron like it is straw, and who "laughs at the rattling of the javelin".. arouses the fear of all mankind.  Yet, it is just another of God's creatures.  How can we fear the creation and not the Creator?

We must not!!!  Job did the only thing that any of us could do - he fell on his face and repented.

Father in heaven, once again we acknowledge that You alone are God!  Our thoughts of You are way too small and vague.  Open our eyes to see You, in all of Your greatness and power and majesty.   Help us to know that You see our hearts and lives just as intimately as You do the rest of Your creation. You know us and have chosen to love us with Your everlasting love.  How amazing! May we live in the light of Your truth revealed here in Your word.  We are Your creation, whom shall we fear but You?  Praise to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Job 38   This is my favorite part of the book of Job.  God, Himself, speaks to Job and with this we get a revelation of His power and majesty and greatness... along with an understanding of His intimate dealings with all of creation.

v4 "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  Tell Me if you have understanding, who set its measurements, since you know?  Or who stretched the line on it?  On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone?... "  

The Creator sets Job straight.  What He did in creating the world was far beyond what Job could have ever thought of, let alone do.

 It was God who:

Set the earth in His universe.
Enclosed the seas and set their boundaries.
Commands the morning to begin.
Knows the depths of the oceans and the height of the heavens.
Controls the snow and the hail, the floods and the lightning.
Set the constellations in their places.

And it is God alone who decided to give mankind wisdom and understanding.
All of creation is absolutely dependent on its Creator.  It is only man who has challenged this Truth.

Father in heaven,  You are not only our Creator but also our Great Shepherd.  You have given to us wisdom and understanding that we might begin to know You.  We bow before You and acknowledge once again that You alone are the Lord of heaven and earth and there is no other. Praise and honor and thanksgiving is for You alone!  Open our eyes to see You even as Job did.. to know You more, that we might worship and serve You and love You with all of our heart and soul and strength.  amen.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Job 32-37  Job's three friends, Elihu, Bildad, and Zophar finally run out of arguments and quit talking.
Elihu, a younger man, who has sat by and listened carefully to both Job and the three, decides he has to speak up.  In fact, he feels like he will burst if he doesn't give his opinion.

Chapter 33 - Elihu's first point is that Job has falsely accused God.  No one, not even Job can know what God has planned or why He has acted.  God does not have to give account for what He does.  Not even to Job.  ( v12-13)
 His second point in this chapter is that God does speak, but no one listens.  God chastens man, but we don't learn.  God enlightens, God redeems, but we need to pay attention.

Chapter 34  Elihu's next point is that God will not do wrong, He is never wicked or unjust.  Therefore, Job is wrong in his words that challenge God's authority to judge him.  This is Job's sin.
God doesn't show partiality.  God doesn't need to receive authority to do whatever He desires.   God does judge the wicked and it is His right to do so.

Chapter 35 Elihu rebukes Job for speaking of his own righteousness.  Job does not and can not know better than God.  His claims of righteousness doesn't change who God is.  In fact, if he is a sinner, that doesn't affect who God is either.  God doesn't have to listen to Job's cries and He doesn't have to answer.  God will speak when He is ready to speak and all Job can do - is wait.

Chapter 36-37  Here, Elihu joins into the accusations of the first 3 speakers,  indicating that God would not have afflicted Job if he had been truly righteous.  He then goes on to speak of the greatness of God....
God is mighty and righteous.  God is  just and powerful.  God is exalted and unsearchable.
Just look up to the clouds... we can't understand even this... how do the clouds form?  What about lightning and thunder? Ice and snow... wind and sunlight?  "The Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is exalted in power; and He will not do violence to justice and  abundant righteousness."

With this Elihu finishes his speech.  This seems a fitting prelude to the rest of the book of Job, for the final speaker will be God, Himself...

Father,  I love this part of Your Word!  I love the description of Your Majesty and Power and Greatness.  Open our hearts and pour down Your Truth!  Fill us to the full with Your Spirit.  Draw us nearer to Your Presence and expand our understanding of Who You are.  In the Name of Jesus, our Great High Priest and Mediator, we come. Amen.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Job 26-31

Job rebukes his friends once again.  They have not helped him one bit with all their philosophies and accusations.  They are not speaking God's words, he tells them, they don't seem to know Him...

God sees the living and the dead.
God "hangs the earth on nothing".
God controls the skies and the seas.
God is high and above everything.

In chapter 27  Job once again declares that he not brought on this suffering by sinning.  "I hold fast my righteousness and will not let it go."   The godless would not act like Job.  For they would not cry out to God like he has.  The wicked are definitely going to be judged, like they all have stated.  But, Job insists that this does not apply to him.

In chapter 28 Job compares the search for wisdom to the search for precious metals and gems in the darkest mines.  Wisdom and understanding can not be discovered or acquired by man's efforts.  Only God knows where it is and how to find it.  "Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."

Chapter 29 - Job talks about himself, before Satan was allowed to touch him.  He was well respected and honored.  He was a righteous man who gave to those in need, counseled those who were troubled, and led those who were rulers and princes.  He knew God's blessing on every part of his life.

Chapter 30 - But now, all that Job had is gone, including God's presence, it seems to him.  The lowest of the low now mock him and spit on him.   "When I expected good, then evil came; when I waited for light, then darkness came. "

Chapter 31 -Job makes a final appeal to God and to his friends.   Where is the evidence of his sin?  If he did evil, then he would take the appropriate judgement.   " If I... "  lied, disobeyed, cheated, despised, abused, failed to help the needy, relied on riches, gloated, or worshiped the sun..." Have I covered my transgressions like Adam, ..."   then God  should punish him.  But, Job asserts, "No, I have not allowed my mouth to sin.."

Job, the example of patience... continues to cry out for the Lord to answer him.  To explain why he is suffering .  To just speak to him once again.

Father,  we acknowledge that You are the Just and Righteous Judge.  You alone can save us and we are so thankful that You always hear our cries.  Job's troubled heart breaks our hearts.  We need You every hour, Lord!  Do not hide Yourself from us.  Come and pour out Your Spirit upon us and draw us into Your rest.  So thankful that we can know the end of Job's story and know that he will come through this trial with a deeper love and knowledge of You than he could ever have had before.  Grant us patience during our times of trial, help us to keep our eyes on You always, I pray in Jesus' name, amen

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Job 22  Eliphaz speaks up once more and this time really rips into Job, accusing him of being selfish, unkind, and oppressive.   He once again insists that Job needs to repent and find forgiveness.

 Chapter 23 - Job's answer shows his weariness with arguing with them.  He just wants to find how to speak to the Lord and get an answer.  I have felt this way, haven't you?  "Oh that I knew where I might find Him, That I might come to His seat! ... I would learn the words which He would answer..."   

If I could just pray the right words, perhaps that would move His Hands to.. heal, save, rescue, restore, fix... my problems..   But, like Job, we go through times that we can't seem to find Him and He doesn't seem to listen.   And, like Job we need to remember, " But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold..." 

Ch. 24-  Job is disheartened.  He is beginning to feel like the Lord will just do whatever He wants and it doesn't matter if you are wicked or good.  The wicked seem to get away with pushing the needy around.  It doesn't seem fair.

Ch 25  Bildad seems to agree somewhat with Job here.  Man is not worthy of God.. they are like maggots and worms...Not only does God do whatever He wants, but man deserves it!

We know that God can do whatever He wants and that we don't deserve anything good from Him,  but that is exactly what the good news is.. GRACE and MERCY without measure!  He does hear us! He even hears us when we don't have the right words or when we can't seem to find Him.  He chooses to love us and be patient with us, to help us and to save us.  He chooses to be just.  He chooses - us.

Father in Heaven, we praise You for You are good and kind and perfect in all Your ways.  Thank You for saving us and for forgiving us. Thank You for giving us worth.. seeing us as Your children instead of as worms... O, Mighty God, Your Grace is sufficient for all of us who will keep looking to You and believing that You know the way we take and that You may try us, but it is so that we will come forth like gold.. to the glory of Your Name.  Amen.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Job 20  Zophar's second speech gives a clear picture of what happens to "the wicked" man.

His triumphs are short and his joy is momentary (v5)
No matter how lofty he thinks he is... he "perishes forever like his refuse." ( v6-7)
He will be forgotten like a dream ( v8)
All he worked for will disappear ( v10)
His once vigorous body will become dust ( v11)

He loves evil, he desires it, he hoards it.. like a sweet in his mouth, but once he swallows it is changed to cobra's venom.
"He swallows riches, but will vomit them up" ( v15)
He would rather have venom than "honey and curds" ( v17)
Whatever he has attained... he will not ever enjoy ( v18)
He will have no quiet within himself ( v20)

"In the fulness of his plenty he will be cramped"v22
Everyone he has hurt will be against him and God will also pour out His anger on him. (v22-23)
He will run from an iron weapon but be struck by a bronze one. (v24)
Terror and darkness and fire will consume him. (v25-26)
"This is the wicked man's portion from God, even the heritage decreed to him by God."  v29

Indeed, this is a stark picture for the wicked... but not for Job.

Chapter 21

Job's response to this is a teaching moment... for sometimes things happen a bit differently than Zophar thinks.  Sometimes the wicked prosper.  Sometimes their sons do too!  Sometimes they live a wonderful and full life and even when they die they refuse God.  We don't know all that God does.  We can't fit all our philosophies into a neat and tidy picture like Job's friends have tried to do.

And besides all of that.. their opinions have not brought any comfort or help to Job at all.

Father in heaven, we praise You for being gracious and kind, faithful and true.  We thank You that You are our refuge and strength.  We acknowledge that You are sovereign and we are Your servants.  Sometimes things happen to us that we don't like..just like Job.  But help us to know the truth and to keep walking in faith.  Help us to stay diligent and to trust You no matter what.  Help us not to speak out of our own flawed thinking, but to wait on You and to speak the truth in love, always.
Yet, Lord, help us to pray for those who are not walking with You.  Help us to speak boldly the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Give them ears to hear and hearts to obey, for we ask it in the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Job 18  Bildad's second speech is what we would consider "dark".. it gives a stark picture of "the wicked" and the "place of him who does not know God". ( v21).

v5-6 - "the light of the wicked  goes out"  there is no flame, no fire, no lamp - darkness accompanies death
v 7 - he cannot walk, he has no strength,
v 8-9 - he is "thrown in a net"  seized and the "trap snaps shut on him."
v10 - a noose awaits him
v11  "all around terrors frighten him"
v12 he has no strength
v13 - " His skin is devoured by disease"
v14 - he is marched before the  "king of terrors"
v15 - brimstone covers him
v16 " His roots are dried below and his branch is cut off above" utterly alone...
v17 - every memory of him perishes
v18 " He is driven from the light into darkness and chased from the inhabited world"

Death without God is a horror.  Bildad is right about that.  We don't think about this very often and when we do, we try not to think of what will happen to our beloved ones who are not saved.  It is appalling.  It is... terrifying.

But, Bildad is using this speech to terrify Job, his friend, who is suffering from great loss and agonizing pain.  He has become offended by Job and he lets his anger fly out against him.

Job 19  - Job laments the words of his friends, but his real argument is not with them, but with the Lord.  It is God, Job believes, who has done all this to him.  He doesn't deserve it, and his friends need to pity him, not persecute him.

 In spite of it all, Job once again declares his faith and trust in God, " And as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God."

Father in heaven, You are our Redeemer, Who gives us hope.  We praise You for being perfectly just and perfectly merciful.  Thank You for the One Who came to be our great High Priest, Who sympathizes with our weaknesses.  Thank You that because of Jesus we can "draw near with confidence to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Father, we pray for those who are lost, those who do not know You.  We know that You do not desire that any should perish, to suffer the terrors that await those who refuse to repent, but You want all men to come to the knowledge of Christ, the Redeemer.  Father, once again we pray for them and plead with You to open their blind eyes and plow up their hardened hearts, that they may come to know the Truth.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, amen.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Job 15 starts the second round of speeches against Job.  Eliphaz again accuses Job of speaking arrogantly and with "windy knowledge" .  He then gives a long tirade about what happens to the wicked:
They writhe in pain.
Their days are numbered.
They hear terror.
They will be attacked by the "destroyer"/
They have no hope.
They find no food.
They anticipate death.
They are distressed and terrified.
They dare to defy God.
And on and on...

There is no thought of comfort or encouragement for poor Job.  Eliphaz has judged Job guilty and condemned him to darkness.

Job 16-17

" Sorry comforter are you all.."  Job replies to his friends.  If the situation were reversed, Job tells them, "I could strengthen you with my mouth, and the solace of my lips could lessen your pain."

Again, Job turns to the Lord.  " Thou hast laid waste all my company. and Thou hast shriveled me up."  All that Job has experienced, he says, has come form the Lord's hands.  "I was at ease, but He shattered me."  Yet , Job still maintains that he is innocent. "... and my prayer is pure".   He wants to understand the reason behind his suffering, but more than that, he just wants to find hope again.
"Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my advocate is on high."

Thankfully, we also have found an advocate on high. One who is faithful and true.  He is our hope and our salvation!  Job is moving out of the darkness, slowly.  He is keeping his trust in the Lord.
We must also hold on to our Living Hope.

Father in Heaven, we praise You, for You are a loving God.  Your very nature is love.  You have manifested Your love in us, having sent Your Son into the world so that we might live through Him.
We abide in Your love, knowing and believing the love You have for us. You will perfect Your love in us and give us confidence for the day of judgement, without fear. For perfect love throws fear out!
Praise You, Almighty and everlasting Father.  Praise to Jesus, the Precious Lamb of God and our Mighty Lord.  Praise to the Holy Spirit, Who has come to offer us comfort, to be our Counselor, and to lead us in the Way, Truth , and Life of the Lord. amen

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Job 11  Job's 3rd friend, Zophar takes his turn answering Job.  He is even more intense in condemning Job.  His message indicates that not only does Job need to repent, but that Job doesn't even know God at all..

Job 12-14 brings Job's reply to these friends who have turned accusers.

Job perceives that the three men are judging him and feeling as if they know more than him.  He defends himself and argues that he has as much intelligence as they do.  He also proves that he does know God.  He does not want to argue with his friends, but he does want a chance to argue with God.

Like the other times that Job has spoken, he turns from speaking to the men, and begins to address the Lord. (13:18 - 14:22)  "Behold now, I have prepared my case; I know that I will be vindicated."
He asks God to come and tell him why these things have happened.  What sin he committed to deserve such agony? ' Make know to me my rebellion and my sin."  He speaks of the shortness of life and the loss of hope. He confesses that it is all in God's hands, but he wonders if he will hear from Him again.

Like Job, we sometimes want to defend ourselves and we might even want to argue with the Lord.  But , like Job, we must also continue to trust in Him Who numbers our days and knows our hearts.

Everlasting Father who lives forever and ever, You are the Ancient of Days.  Every day is written by You.. for each of us.  You set the limit to our lives here on earth and You have promised to bring us into real Life.. everlasting life, through Christ Jesus our Lord.  We look forward to the day that Daniel wrote about from his dreams.  " And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him.  And to Him was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and men of every language might serve Him.  His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is on which will not be destroyed."  Hallelujah!  Amen!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Job 8-10

 Bildad speaks.  This friend is pretty blunt in his opinions.  He begins by calling Job's words "a mighty wind"!   His opinion is that Job's sons were killed because of their own sins and that God was just in doing so.  If only .. Job would seek God, then everything would be hunky-dory !

Bildad's advice is for Job to look back, to have a history lesson, to learn from "their fathers".  He believes that " Lo, God will not reject a man of integrity, nor will He support the evildoers."   Everything is going to be alright in the end...

We have heard these kinds of words from our friends too, haven't we?  Everything is going to be alright... Just trust God.  Not that those words are wrong.. but they don't help in the present pain.

Job answers in 9:2 " In truth, I know that this is so, but how can a man be in the right before God?" 
Job feels hopeless for he knows that he cannot confront God, even though he believes he does not deserve punishment for he is innocent of of any sin.

Chapters 9-10 show that Job has a good understanding of who God is and what He has done:

God removes mountains.
He shakes the earth out of its place.
He commands the sun and stars.
He stretches out the heavens.
He controls the waves of the oceans.
He created the constellations.
He "does great things, unfathomable, and wondrous works without number." v10

But, Job has misconceptions about God also...
He thinks that God will not listen to his pleas or show mercy to him. (v14-16)
He thinks that no matter how "guiltless" he is, that God will declare him guilty. ( 9:20)
He thinks that  God is ready to "plunge me into the pit" ( 9:31)

Yet, once again, Job turns his words to his Lord.  " I will say to God, Do not condemn me; let me know why Thou dost contend with me."   Job acknowledges that God sees everything, that God made him, and that God has given him "life and lovingkindness; and Thy care has preserved my spirit" (10:12)

But, his despair overwhelms him once again.. and Job sinks back into his depression again.

Just a note here that sticks out to me:
9:33 Job complained,  " There is no umpire between us, Who may lay his hand upon us both"  
But, hallelujah , we do have a mediator!  Christ Jesus!

Father, there are times when we feel separated from You.  We cannot feel You or see You.  We cannot hear Your voice.  Job reminds us that, although sometimes this is because of our own sinfulness, at other times, it is because You have allowed us to walk through the valley of the shadow.  O Lord, our Mighty and Faithful God, help us to hold on to You and never forget Who You are.  Like Job, may we remember the Truth.  Help us not fall so far into despair that we forget Your mercy and Your justice.
Teach us Your ways, Lord, and guide us into solid faith and rest in Jesus, our Mediator.  In His Name, we pray. amen.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Job 6-7  Job addresses his friends and then the Lord.

6:1-7:11  Job tells his friends that they don't understand just how much he is suffering.  He denies that he has sinned  against the Lord as they have accused him.  And, then he tells them that they should be consoling him and comforting him, not accusing him.  They are like a brook that has dried up and when travelers have come expecting to find water, they find none.  He is disappointed that they have not helped him as they should have.  He would just as soon they leave him alone.

Job's misery is spelled out in these verses.  He is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in anguish.   His friends cannot help and it seems that even God refuses to help him.  He wants to die, but even that is refused him.

7:12-21  Job turns to the Lord and begins to "speak in the anguish of (his) spirit".
He feels like he is like a "sea monster" and that the Lord has set "a guard" over him.
When he tries to find comfort in sleep, it seems the Lord just sends him nightmares.
He feels like he is physically wasting away.. and if the Lord would just allow it, he would die.
He feels like the Lord is examining him and trying him. That He is staring at him.
He desires to know what sin he has committed so that he can repent and find forgiveness.

"For now I will lie down in the dust; And Thou wilt seek me, but I will not be."

What utter despair Job is feeling.  I don't think I have ever felt this low, although I have known times of anguish too.  We all have to some degree.  We often speak of the patience of Job, but here in this passage, we see the all too real impatience of a real person who is suffering from deep depression and agony .

Father in Heaven,  thank You for the Truth, that Job was never alone through these times of anguish.  You were there, not to harm him, but to help him.  You are faithful to listen and patiently guide us through trials, big or small.  May we truly learn to trust Your heart even when we cannot see You fully.  You are the Lord, and there is no other!  Blessed be Your Name.  Amen.