Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Philippians 4: 10-23  This final part of Paul's letter to Philippi talks about provisions - financial well-being.

Paul was thankful for the assistance that the church in Philippi had sent to him. They were the only church to  share with him "in the matter of giving and receiving" ( v15).  Their gifts:
revealed their concern for Paul, for they were sharing with him in his affliction; (v10,14)
would result in "profit which increases to" their account; (v17)
were "a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God"; (v18)
And, Paul adds, " my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (v19)

The Philippians were partnering with Paul is the ministry of the Gospel.  The " profit" or fruit would add to their "account" - logos - their testimony or spoken word.  Giving to Paul, the servant of the Lord, was giving to God an acceptable sacrifice. What does that look like in our own lives?

When we give - to church, to missions, to charities - we are partnering with them; participating in their work.  Our giving bears fruit if comes from a heart of love and unity and is acceptable to God.
I think there is a lesson here that is worth contemplating - what is my heart attitude when I give?
Is it from concern, is it a sharing in the ministry of the gospel?  Or is it a tax deduction?
Is my giving an "acceptable sacrifice to God"?  Am I truly honoring God, which would be profitable, or not?  What is the mind of Christ about this? What is His purpose for us in giving?

Paul also talks to us about his personal finances.   He has "learned to be content in whatever circumstances" he is in.   Note that he doesn't just focus on his times of need.
"I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity;"
Being filled .. or being hungry.
Having abundance.. or suffering need.

Contentment- satisfied, complacent, not wanting any more or less. Even in times of humiliation, desperation, or suffering, Paul had found that the strength of the Lord is enough.  And we can find that true for us too.  Yet, sometimes it may be even harder to find contentment in the times of abundance and prosperity. Are we able to be satisfied then?  Looking at the world.. I would say not. But through Christ, Who strengthens us, we can.

Truth - How we make money, use money, and give money reflects our "logos", our account or testimony.  We need to first of all, earn an honest living, " .. make it your ambition to live a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands.." ( I Thess. 4:11).  Then, we need to be wise in our spending, not being anxious or worried about things, for "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold onto one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon (riches)"  Matthew 6:24.  And finally, we need to be generous in our giving, " Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver." 

Father in heaven, help us to  learn to be content in all of our circumstances.  Help us to be faithful in giving, partnering with those who are ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ, with attitudes of humility and love.  We ask for wisdom from above -  pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering and without hypocrisy,  in righteousness and peace. Thank You that in all things we can trust in Christ and be strengthened and that we can live in a manner that is worthy of the Gospel.  For it is before Him that our knees bow and our tongues confess that He is Lord. Be glorified and exalted our God.  amen

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