Monday, December 14, 2015

Philippians 3  Paul gives us his personal testimony, his perspective of how to walk the worthy walk, to have the same attitude of Jesus.  He once had placed his faith in the external - circumcision, zeal, legalism - but now he knows that all of that meant nothing.  He counts it as loss,  he considers it rubbish, and he puts it all behind him.    Instead, He seeks to "gain Christ"; to "be found in Him",  to "know Him", and to "press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus".   Paul say that he "reaches forward" and presses "upward".   And this is the attitude that  we all need.

Attitude - to exercise the mind, interest oneself in, set the affection on, regard, savor, think....  We need the change in thinking, revealed by God, and then we need to determine to "keep living by that same standard" ( v16).   One way that we can do this is by observing "those who walk according to the pattern". 

Truth - transformed thinking leads to transformed living.  As Paul wrote in Romans 12, ".. be transformed by the renewing of your mind".   Our thinking is transformed as we leave behind and consider all else as garbage.  Our thinking is transformed as we reach forward and press upward - to what Jesus has provided us with - eternal life, heavenly citizenship, and "conformity with the body of His glory."

Father, take our thoughts captive for the glory of Your Name. Lead us on into kingdom living, following the example of our wonderful Lord. May we truly count all else as rubbish and press onward and upward to what lies ahead with You.  Amen.

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