Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Philippians 2: 12-   "So then, beloved..."  Christ has given us the perfect example of a life lived in a manner worthy of the gospel and we are asked to obey ; to conform our own lives to His;  working out our "salvation with fear and trembling."  To work out - ( katergazomai GR.) - to do the work fully, to accomplish or finish; to be engaged in and committed to the task with intensity; to the uttermost.  

This is to be done with "fear and trembling".. serious, vital... a matter of life or death, literally.  A life worthy of the gospel of Christ will not just happen. It will not be a walk in the park.  It will not come without effort.  It will not come by signing a statement of faith and then floating through life with no more thought to it.  No, this life that we are called to live, following the divine pattern of Jesus Christ our Lord, will take all of our heart and all of our soul, and all of our mind and all of our strength.   We are invited /called to be "all in".. even to the point of death.

 Verse 13  "for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure."  Oh what GOOD NEWS!  We are not called to do this alone by our own power.. we cannot!  But, it is our Heavenly Father, The Almighty God, omnipotent, wise, immutable, transcendent, and infinite, Who is "at work" - active and efficient, mighty in, fervent and effectual - in us!   He gives us the will - the determination, the impulse, the disposition, the delight in and desire.. the willingness - to live for Him and He gives the energy to be actively and efficiently doing it!

Truth - God wants all of me.  He wants my full attention and devotion and commitment.  He wants my body, my mind, my soul... my time, my family, my everything.  He wants me to be "all in" for Him, to the point of fear and trembling.  Picture a bomb squad expert... faced with diffusing a bomb that he has never seen before... a wrong move will cause devastation; the sweat pours down his face, his hands are shaking.. trembling; real fear fills his thoughts... This is the type attitude we are to have about our salvation, about our walk with Christ.  We are to be completely absorbed and committed to Him.

Father, be at work in us.  Have Your own way.  Let Your will be done.  Give us the desire and determination to live in a manner worthy of You.  Grant us the power, according to Your glorious Might, to work according to Your good pleasure.  Forgive us, Lord, for being half-hearted, uncommitted, weak and pitiful in our faith.  Thank You Jesus for being our example and our Counselor, our Coach on this journey.  Thank You that You partner with us, that You love us and care for us. Thank You for being merciful and kind and patient. Be glorified Lord! We honor and praise You, for You alone are worthy . Great are You Lord and greatly to be praised!  Hear now our prayer as we come in the Wonderful Name, Jesus. Amen.

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