Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I Chronicles 13-14  David, after consulting all the leaders among his men, assembles all of Israel to move the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. But, he does it the wrong way. They put it on a cart. When Uzza reaches out to steady the ark because of the oxen's unsteadiness, he angers the Lord and dies.
David becomes angry.. and afraid of God. He names this place "Perez-uzza"  - the breakthrough of Uzza.  David leaves the ark aside at the home of Obed-edom for 3 months.

Meanwhile David resumes building the kingdom.  When Hiram, the king of Tyre sends gifts to David to build a house.. "David realized that the Lord had established him as king over Israel."  David went up to fight against some Philistines who were raiding in the valley of Rephaim.  First, inquiring of God, he was given victory.  David says, "God has broken through my enemies by my hand, like the breakthrough of many waters." He names in  Baal-perazim, the master of breakthroughs.

Chapter 15 - David built his palace and prepared a tent for the ark of the covenant.  Then, he followed the Law of Moses, charging the Levites and priests to consecrate themselves properly so that they could carry the Ark the correct way.  "Because you did not carry it at the first, the Lord our God made an outburst on us, for we did not seek Him according to the ordinance." (v13)

Breakthrough or breach is the same word translated as outburst.  Its meaning is to burst out, open, break forth or make a gap. It can also mean scatter.   It is God Who is the One who makes the breach in these events.  He made a gap between Israel and His Ark, the place of His Name, because of their disobedience to His Word.  But, He also made a breach between the Philistines and Israel as David obeyed the Lord.

Truth - there is a breach or gap between us and the Lord when we disobey His Word.  Yet there is also  a way that He separates us from the world as He sanctifies us, making a breach between us and our enemy, satan.

Father, forgive us our sins, those things that cause a breach between us and You.  Thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed to cleanse us and make us whiter than snow.  How merciful and good You are! Father, sanctify us through and through by Your Holy Spirit.  May our spirits , souls, and bodies be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For, faithful are You who calls us and Who will also bring it to pass.  ( I Thess. 5:23-24)  Amen.

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