Monday, December 7, 2015

Philippians 2: 1-11  To conduct ourselves "in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ", we must first look to Him.   We find in Christ and receive from Him:

Encouragement - solace and comfort, along with exhortation.  He calls us near and comes alongside; He consoles us and implores us; He prays for us, interceding on our behalf.
Love - Perfect love, sincere, affectionate, benevolent and divine.
Fellowship in the Spirit - (koinonia) - partnership; participation; communion; communication;
Affection - inward sympathy and pity;  a tender heart towards us that results in compassion - acts of mercy;

Paul entreats us to "be of the same mind" and to have "the same love".  This comes by being "united in spirit" and "intent on one purpose". To walk in a worthy manner - we must have the same ways of thinking and loving as Christ Himself.  We set out with the same objectives as He did, in oneness with Him.

Paul teaches us what that looks like :

This kind of living in unselfish. It is not contentious, full of strife, arguing and provoking one another.
This kind of living is not conceited.  The King James calls this "vain-glory";  Empty worth.

Instead, it is a true humility, a lowering - a casting down - of our selves in our thinking. " ..let each of you regard one another as more important than himself;"  and looking out for " the interests of others". 

This was Christ's attitude and He is our perfect example of worthy walking.  
Christ Jesus "existed in the form of God".  His essence and nature is God.  He did not "regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,"  He didn't steal or plunder His identity.  It is Who He is.
Yet, He "emptied Himself".  He laid aside or voided His privileges... willingly becoming like us, and then as if that were not enough, He took "the form of a bond-servant", the nature of a slave in subjection to others.  Then, He went even further in His humility, to obediently, submissively die on a cross, the ultimate symbol of shame.

What we receive from Christ - encouragement, love, fellowship, affection and compassion - will result in unselfish and un-conceited living, if we are willing to humble- cast down- ourselves as Christ did.  He came a long way down... are we even willing to lower ourselves even a little?  Can we empty ourselves.. putting aside our rights and privileges ?  Can we put ourselves under subjection to others? Can we "lay down our lives" and take up our crosses in obedience to the One Who shed His own blood for us?  Will we?  He intercedes for us so that we can.

Truth - Jesus Christ is Lord.  Because of His willingness to obey, even to die on a cross, "Therefore also God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. "

Glory and praise and honor to God, our Father and to the Lord Jesus Christ, for You, in perfect and infinite wisdom have rescued us from sin and death and hell and have given to us new life in Christ.
We rest in and hope in You alone.  How beautiful You are and how great are Your works, O Lord!
We need You Lord, to continue to be our guide and our helper in this journey of life.  Help us to live in this manner that is worthy of the gospel of Christ.  We ask in His Great Name. Amen.

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