Saturday, December 5, 2015

Philippians 1:12-30  Paul is in prison as he writes this letter to his friends in Philippi.  He wants them to keep rejoicing and not be upset because of these circumstances.  Paul is rejoicing because "Christ is being proclaimed!"  It doesn't matter that some people have wrong motives... what matters most to Paul is that the good news continues to be shared.

Paul also gives his friends and us his point of view on death.  Death is something that we don't really like to think about, but it has a way of creeping into our thoughts anyway. Paul's perspective is a great source of comfort and perhaps we need to grasp this truth a bit more firmly:  " For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  

Paul is realistic about death. But he is not obsessed about it.  He is confident that when that day comes, that he will be with Christ, and he knows "that is very much better".  Even so, Paul continues to keep on living - planning, serving, ministering, writing, and working .  He desires to see his friends do the same.  He wants to see them making progress in their faith.  He wants them to be filled with joy.  He wants them to continue to walk "in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ".  

Paul's hope for his fellow believers is that that will stand "firm in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel".  He wants them to not be alarmed by their opponents.  He wants them to be ready to suffer for Christ's sake and endure just as he has.

We are quite aware of the circumstances in our world today also.  As Christians, we acknowledge that the tide has turned against us and that persecution is coming, even here in America.  It is prevalent already around the world.  All the more reason that we need to heed Paul's words and have his same perspective on death and on life.

Truth - We will die, one way or another, unless Jesus returns first,  and we need to be solidly confident that "to die is gain"  for we will be with Christ and that is so much better!  But, meanwhile, we need to live "in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ":
We need to stand firm with our fellow believers.
We need to strive for the gospel to be proclaimed.
We need to stand up boldly against the enemy of our faith and not be afraid.
We need to keep on serving and planning and working and ministering.. helping one another to grow in faith and to be filled with joy.

Father,  thank You for being so kind and patient with us.  Give us abounding love, Lord.  Give us confidence in Your Truth.  Fill us with Your Spirit and let Your will be done in us.  Help us to walk this worthy walk, to Your glory and praise, through Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen

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