Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I Chronicles 22-23  David declares that the temple will be built at the place he purchased from Ornan.  He prepares hewn stones, timber, gold, silver, iron, and bronze for the future construction which will be led by Solomon.  David also prepares the Levites for the service that they will render in the temple.  Because they will no longer have to carry the tent and furnishings, the responsibilities will be different from those assigned during the exodus.  They will still be in charge of the building itself, but they will focus more on worship and ministry.  They had to keep all of the holy things pure.  They had to bake and present the showbread.  They had to mix, measure, and prepare the offerings.  "And they are to stand every morning to thank and to praise the Lord, and likewise at evening." (v30)

Chapters 24-25  Aaron had 4 sons. The first 2 died in the wilderness.  Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests.  Their descendants, at the time of David, were Zadok ( of Eleazar) and Ahimelech ( of Ithamar's line).  These two assisted David in the division of the Levites in to groups for service.  There were 24 groups of officers and 24 groups of musicians.

Chapter 26  The gatekeepers were divided into groups also.  Some were assigned to the east gate, some to the north, south,  ( this group also were in charge of the storehouse), and to the west.  The east gate had 6 Levites; the north had 4, the south had 4, the storehouse had 2.  On the west, 4 stood at the highway and 2 at the Parbar.  We are told that these were "mighty men of valor" and "able men with strength for service".

A particular group of Levites were put in charge of the treasury.  A descendant of Moses' son Gershom was the officer in charge of this treasury.  Another of Moses' line, Shelomoth and his family were in charge of "dedicated gifts".

Another group were put in charge of "outside duties".  These acted as judges and officers.  Some Hebronites, who were "capable men" were put in charge of the "affairs of Israel west of the Jordan".   Another group of Hebronites who were men of "outstanding capability" were put in charge of the Israelites on the east side of the Jordan, "concerning all the affairs of God and of the king." ( v32)

Truth - Although Solomon is known as the wisest man, David was extremely knowledgeable and wise in his own right. God gifted David with many skills. He was a warrior, a musician, a leader, and a builder.  His heart was always seeking after God and he was faithful in pursuing ways to honor Him.  David showed his love for God as he prepared for the building of the temple and the organization of those who would minister there.

Father,  may we be wise in seeking to serve You with all our hearts according to the gifts that You have given us. May I serve You faithfully every day in whatever ministry that You put me in.  I give You thanks and praise! Amen.

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