Thursday, December 10, 2015

Philippians 2: 17-30  This worthy living, modeled after our Lord Jesus, by His power at work in us.. is what Paul writes about and lives out in his own life.  Here he is in prison, fully committed to live for Christ or to die for Him.  He says, " But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you  all." ( v17)

Not only do we have Christ as our example, but we have Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus.
Paul is found rejoicing in the faith of the believers in Philippi.  He is praying for them.  He is thankful for them.  He is encouraging them.  And most of all he is loving them.

Timothy is sent to Philippi to see how the church is doing there. Paul tells us that Timothy is a "kindred spirit" and "genuinely concerned" for them too.  Timothy has "proven worth".  He has served Paul and has served well.  Faithfully committed to doing the work of the Lord.  Pouring out his life in the same attitude of Christ.

Epaphroditus is called Paul's "brother", a "fellow worker" and a "fellow soldier".   He was a messenger and minister to Paul, willing to lay down his life for the cause of Christ.  Pouring out his life along side Timothy and Paul.

 Truth - These 3 men followed the example of Jesus.  They humbled themselves, even to the point of death, in obedience and faith, no matter their circumstances.  We can honestly say that they walked in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We can and must do the same. God's desire for each of us is full surrender and commitment to the will and work of "His good pleasure"... Whatever our circumstances.

Father, What would you have me/us do today?  How can I/we  serve others?  Whose interests will I put before my own? Who am I to pray for?  Who needs a word of encouragement or exhortation today?
Oh. may I be blameless and innocent, sincere and proven before You today.  May I be a light in this darkness, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.  Thank You for the great salvation that You have given to me.. to us who call upon the Name of Jesus and are saved.  May we be kindred spirits.. unified by Your love and Spirt, and walking in a manner worthy of the gospel today.  In Christ we pray this, amen.

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