Tuesday, December 1, 2015

II Kings 21-25  After Hezekiah died, his son Manasseh became king. Manasseh returned all the idolatry to Judah, plus some.  His sins were especially evil in the Lord's sight, for he "shed very much innocent blood.."   Even though Josiah, Manasseh's grandson did everything to get rid of what Manasseh had done, the consequences were set.  Chapter 24:4 "... and also for the innocent blood which he shed, for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; and the Lord would not forgive." 

Manasseh rebuilt all the high places that his father had torn down.  He erected altars for Baal and made an Ashram like Ahab had.  He worshipped the stars.  He "practiced witchcraft and used divination and dealt with medium and spiritists."  He sacrificed his own children.  " He did much evil in the sight of the Lord provoking Him to anger."  

Josiah was 8 years old when he became king. His father and grandfather were very evil kings, yet Josiah was not.  He followed the Lord. He restored the temple.  When they found the lost book of the law and read it to him, Josiah tore his clothes and repented of all the sins of Judah.  He made it his mission to rid Judah and Israel of every idol and high place.  He had a heart that was tender and he humbled himself before the Lord.  "And before him there was no king like him who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; nor did any like him arise after him." 

"However the Lord did not turn from the fierceness of His great wrath with which His anger burned against Judah, because of the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked Him."   First, Pharaoh Neco came to Judah and killed Josiah. Eliakim, was made king and Pharaoh changed his name to Jehoiakim.  After Jehoiakim was his son Jehoiachin, who was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar.  Mattaniah, called Zedekiah, was made king.  He was the brother of Jehoiakim and Jehoahaz.  He also did evil.  When he rebelled against Babylon, Zedekiah was forced to watch his sons be slaughtered and then his eyes were put out. He was taken to Babylon in chains.   Jerusalem was destroyed.  The temple and the palace burned.  The walls torn down.

After Nebuchadnezzar died, his son Evil-merodach reigned for 2 years. During that time he had Jehoiachin released from prison.  He treated him with kindness and even had meals with him and gave him an allowance.  It is through Jehoiachin that the line of David continued and Jesus would be the king of Israel.

Truth:  There are things that we can never truly understand about the ways that God acts.  He is beyond the grasp of our greatest imagination or reasoning.  But, this is what we can know for sure - God never changes!  He will always be angry at sin.  He will fiercely punish those who provoke Him like Manasseh, especially those who shed innocent blood.  We need to take heed!  Our country has rebelled in the face of the Lord, allowing abortion to flood our nation, even as Manasseh flooded Jerusalem with innocent blood.  How much more of God's wrath do we deserve...   Like Josiah, we must pray for a return to the Lord, with all our hearts and souls and might!

Father in heaven, deliver us from evil men who lead our nation to sin and rebellion against You.  Raise up men and women of God who will turn to You and cling to You with all their might. Forgive us Lord.  In the day of Your wrath, may we be found faithful, blameless and pure by the blood of Jesus Christ.  For He is our Savior and King.  All glory to You, God!  We bless Your Name. Amen

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