Tuesday, November 24, 2015

II Kings 8-13  The kings of Israel and Judah come and go... some good, some evil... there is even a 6 year reign by a queen, Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and wife of Jehoram.  ( As evil as her mother Jezebel).  Through it all the Lord preserves His people and His covenant with David.  Through the years enemies come up against them. God continues to show grace and compassion when they cry out to Him.  He continues to give them time and opportunity to turn from the evil ways and to walk in His ways.

The truth is still the same.. God shows us that obedience and trust in Him are what is needed for true LIFE.  He never changes His plan.  But, He never forces us to do it.  He waits for us and yearns for us.. and He never gives up on us!

Father in heaven, You are unlimited, unchangeable, and unaffected by the events of our world.  Thank You for always loving us and for being our Hope, our Salvation, and our Light.
Guide us today in Your paths, for Your will is what we desire, in Christ we pray. Amen

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