Wednesday, November 18, 2015

II Kings 5  Naaman was the captain of the army of Aram. The Arameans were great enemies of Israel.  Naaman is called a "great man",  a "valiant warrior", and a "leper".   A young slave girl, who had been stolen from Israel, served Naaman's wife.  She told her mistress about Elisha, the man of God. The wife told her husband and he went to the king.  The king sent a letter and money to the king of Israel, asking that he cure Naaman from his leprosy.  The king panicked, because he knew he couldn't do such a thing... but Elisha sent a message that he would help.  Naaman was insulted because Elisha didn't come out of his house and do a miracle like Naaman expected, but his servants convinced him to do what Elisha had said.  He was completely cured.  He promised to worship only the Lord of Israel after that.

Gehazi, Elisha's servant, didn't like the fact that Elisha wouldn't accept the money and gifts that Naaman had brought with him.  He snuck out after Naaman and asked for a small portion.  But, when he returned to Elisha, he lied about where he went.  Gehazi was struck down with leprosy at that moment.

Truth - Simple faith and obedience is what God requires. We want to make things harder than that.  We want to complicate our relationship with the Lord.  We tie ourselves up with things that do not matter.  Naaman learned simple faith. Gehazi did not.  Elisha acted with simplicity and sincerity.
God blessed him mightily!

Father in heaven,  may we also believe the truth, that "those who are with us are more than those who are with them..( the enemy).  You see our hearts and know our thoughts.  May they be acceptable to You O God. Take us and make us wholly Your own. Amen

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