Monday, November 16, 2015

II Kings 3  Israel's king, Jehoram , along with Jehoshaphat from Judah and the king of Edom, joined together against Moab who had rebelled against Israel.  As they went through the wilderness they could not find water for their horses or cattle or their army.  Jehoshaphat suggested they go see Elisha.  Out of respect for Jehoshaphat, Elisha answers them.  They are told to dig trenches in the valley.  The next morning water begins flowing and fills the country.   Elisha calls this ".. but a slight thing in the sight of the Lord;"  He also tells them that they will have victory over Moab.

Everything happens just as Elisha said.  In a sad ending, the king of Moab, surrounded and defeated, takes his own son and sacrifices him as a burnt offering on the wall of his city.  Israel leaves and returns home.

Truth - It is a small thing in the Lord's sight to provide water for 3 armies!  It is a small thing for the Lord to provide for our needs, every day and every hour.  We have so much to be thankful for.  Why do we worry and fret?  Why do we fear?  God, eternal and sovereign , provides for His own.

Father in heaven, holy and wonderful is Your Name.  May we speak words of honor and praise, with hearts fully engaged in worship to You, the Almighty One who was and is and is to come!  Father, we do ask You for daily bread, for the physical needs that we have, but also for the spiritual bread - Your Word.. to fill our hearts and transform our thinking. Help us to think of You rightly... according to Truth. To remember how great and mighty, how wise and how strong You are.  You are infinite in knowledge, in power, and in holiness. Thank You for loving us. Thank You for being patient and kind.  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done... today, in our lives. Amen.

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