Friday, November 6, 2015

I Kings 17 Elijah's first recorded prophecy is given to Ahab, "As the Lord, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word." 

Then Elijah follows the Lord's instructions and goes into isolation - first to the brook Cherith where he is fed by ravens that bring him meat and bread; and then to the widow in Zarephath.  There, the Lord provides for him and the widow and her son by multiplying the flour and oil continually so that it never runs out during this famine.  When the widow's son dies, it is Elijah who prays and pleads with the Lord to revive him and the child is brought back to life.

Elijah was just a man, like any other.  But, he was a man who believed God, obeyed God, and knew God.  To go to a king, especially one like Ahab, and announce a drought, took a lot of courage, but Elijah obeyed.  To trust God to provide food... to ask a poor widow to use her last bit of flour to make him some bread.. took a great deal of faith also.  To pray for a dead child and see him revived... these were life changing experiences that strenghtened  Elijah's faith and prepared him for the future purposes that God had for him.

Truth - God is able to do anything!  Nothing is impossible for Him! God brings before us challenges, opportunities for us to act in faith, and in obedience, so that we know these truths.

Father,  I do not know what Your plans and purposes are for me- for today or for the rest of my life; but I pray that I will be able to stand firm in Christ.  Let Your Truth be my belt and Your Righteousness, my breastplate.  I will believe and obey Your Voice, with Your help, by the might of Your Spirit within me.  Take my life and let it be Yours.  May Your Name be glorified in all the earth today!  Turn hearts back to You... The One True God.  Amen

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