Wednesday, November 25, 2015

II Kings 14 Joash is ruling over Israel. Amaziah becomes king of Judah.  Amaziah is doing right in the Lord's eyes, verse 3 tells us, but he didn't stop the people from their false worship on the high places.  One of the first things that Amaziah does after he gets a firm hold of his kingdom is to kill the servants that had killed his father.  Then he went out and fought Edom and won.  After this he sends a challenge to Joash of Israel, who scorns him.  When they finally do meet Amaziah is defeated and taken captive. Joash attacks Jerusalem, tearing down some of the wall and stealing the silver and gold from the temple and the kings treasury. ( Why do the bad guys win?)

After Joash dies, his son Jeraboam rules in his place.  When Amaziah dies, his son Azariah reigns in Judah.  He is also known as Uzziah.

Verses 24-27 tell us about Jeraboam.  He was evil.  He did the things that his namesake, Jeraboam the son of Nebat had done.  But, he restored some of Israel's borders, " according to the word of the Lord, the God of Israel, which He spoke through His servant, Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet who was of Gath-hepher. For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel, which was very bitter for there were neither bond nor free,  nor was there any helper for Israel." 

In spite of generations of rebellious kings and people in Israel, God's heart was still tender towards His people.  He still loved them and cared for them.  He was still waiting for them to turn back to following Him.

This is the truth that we need to hear and to share... God does not give up on people!  No matter what we have done, no matter who we have become.. if we will turn back to Him and seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him waiting for us!  What an amazing God!

Thank You for loving us Father, so much that You sent Your own Son to reconcile us with You.  When we could not turn back on our own,  when we couldn't overcome our own evil choices and stubborn hearts... You showed us mercy and compassion.  You made a way where there was no way.
And You have never changed!  Your plan and purpose has always been the same.  Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, the God who saves! Amen

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