Thursday, November 12, 2015

I Kings 21-22  Ahab coveted the vineyard of his neighbor Naboth.  When Naboth refused to sell it to him, Ahab went home and pouted.  Jezebel, recognizing her husband's weakness, took over.  She arranged for Naboth to be falsely accused and killed.  The Lord sent Elijah to confront Ahab about this and both he and Jezebel would be wiped out.  However, when Ahab heard Elijah's words, he humbled himself and the Lord showed him mercy.

Three years later, Ahab convinced Jehoshaphat to enter into war with him against Aram.  He even disguised himself, but was still killed in the battle.  His son Ahaziah was the next to rule in Israel.  Six years later Jehoshaphat died and was succeeded by his son Jehoram.

Jehoram married Ahab's daughter, Athaliah.  She was as evil as her father and mother.  Her son, Ahaziah would we next on the throne of Judah while her brothers Ahaziah and Joram ruled in Israel.
What a mess!

II Kings 1  Ahaziah lasted only 2 years.  He fell through some lattice work in the upper chamber of his house and was severely injured.  He sent his messengers to "inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron" to find out if he would live. But, Elijah intercepted the messengers and sent them back with a message from the Lord, " Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron?"   Ahaziah does not humble himself.  He sends a division of 50 soldiers to capture Elijah.  Elijah calls for fire from heaven and the division is consumed.  Another group is sent and the same thing happens.  When the third division is sent, the captain bows down before Elijah and asks for mercy... and receives it.  Elijah goes to Ahaziah and tells him that he will die.  His brother Jehoram ( or Joram) takes the throne.

Truth - Women can influence the people in her life for good or for evil.  Jezebel's wickedness affected Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, and her daughter Athaliah.   These people led 2 nations into idolatry and wickedness.  We all must realize the effect that we have on those around us.  Yes, this applies to both men and women, but the influence of a wife or mother, or grandmother.... is vitally important.  

Father in heaven,  I ask that You will help me, by Your Spirit, to be the godly influence that I long to be on my family.  Change what needs to be changed in my thoughts, my attitudes, my actions and my reactions.. that Christ alone is seen in me.  I ask this in the Name of my Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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