Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I Kings 14  Both Rehoboam and Jeroboam fail to be godly kings.   Both bring idolatry into full force in Israel and Judah.  Both are judged by God and given dire consequences.

Verses 1-20 tell of Jeraboam's loss of his son Abijah, the result of his sinfulness.  Jeroboam reigns for 22 years and is succeeded by another son, Nadab.   Rehoboam rules Judah for 17 years.  During the 5th year of his reign Judah is attacked by Egypt and all of the "treasures of the house of the Lord"  are taken.   His son, Abijam, becomes king after Rehoboam dies.

Truth:  Idolatry destroys.  It destroyed Jeroboam and Rehoboam.  It destroyed the nations of Israel and Judah.  It continues to destroy men and women and nations.  God calls it evil, an abomination, a sin.  Idolatry will always lead to immorality and ultimately to death.   So where we see immorality and death today in our world - we can trace it back to the idol that is being served....

Our country is plagued by violence and sexual exploitation - the idols of alcohol and drugs are often involved.  Why do people end up serving these?  Greed? Despair?  Loss of love, or hope?

Immorality is being blasted through the airways... tv, internet, music, movies.  The idol being served here may be greed - money,  ego, or power.

Immorality is seen in our highest levels of government - deceitfulness, corruption, and promotion of that which God calls an "abomination".  Murder through abortions,  immoral sexual behavior etc.
The idol - Self?  Greed or Power?

The results will be the same as it was for Rehoboam and Jeroboam - destruction will come.  God is a jealous God. He is provoked to jealousy by those who willingly and blatantly sin against Him.  He will bring judgement.  God help us when that time comes here.

Father in heaven,  I pray that You will bring about revival in our land.  I pray that You will turn the hearts of men and women, away from the culture of death, and back to Yourself, Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness.  Forgive us Lord!  I pray that You will open our eyes to see what is happening and to seek to know You more.  I pray that we might stay alert and ready for the return of Jesus Christ.  Cleanse us from all unrighteousness, lead us not into temptation and deliver us from the evil one.  I pray this in the Name and authority of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.

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