Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I Kings 19 Elijah ran from Mt Carmel, which is in the northwest corner of Israel to Jezreel where Ahab's palace was built.  But, when Jezebel threatened his life, he ran to Beersheba in the south, then further into the wilderness ( where he rests and is fed by an angel)  and finally to Horeb/ Mount Sinai, the mountain of God.  There, Elijah meets with the Lord.

"What are you doing here, Elijah?" the Lord asks him, twice.  Both times Elijah answers, " I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant, torn down Thy altars and killed Thy prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life to take it away."  ( v10 and 14).  After the first time they have this exchange, God directs Elijah to stand on the mountain and then He passes by him.  There is a strong wind, then an earthquake, followed by a fire, and finally a gentle breeze.  Picture Elijah, high up on a rocky mountain side, clinging to the rocks as the wind comes, breaking pieces of rock that go flying all around him; yet he is not struck ... then feeling the trembling of an earthquake, watching boulders shake and tumble past; yet he does not fall.   Still clinging to the mountain, Elijah feels the burning heat of a fire, yet he is not burned.  How long, I wonder did this go on?  But then, Elijah hears "the sound of a gentle blowing".  Instantly, he knows that this is the Lord.  He wraps his face with his mantle and again the Lord asks him, " What are you doing here, Elijah ?" When Elijah's answer has not changed, the Lord gives him an assignment.

Elijah heads back north - He is to anoint Hazael as king of Aram ( Syria); Jehu as king of Israel; and Elisha as his own replacement.   The Lord also promises Elijah that there are 7000 in Israel that have not worshipped Baal and will be spared.  Elijah is able to return now.  He finds Elisha and throws his mantle on him.

Did Elijah learn what he needed to know about God on the holy mountain?  He is able to return to his duties as the Lord's prophet.  He doesn't falter or run away again after this.  In fact, he seems very sure of himself and the mission that God has for him.  God had revealed Himself to Elijah in a way that he could grasp.  Through hurricane winds, through earthquakes, through fire.. God did not seem to be there.. but He was. Yet, it was in the gentle breeze that Elijah met Him.  In the quiet and stillness came the assurance that Elijah needed and received.

Truth - God knows exactly where we are.  Physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, He knows just how to meet us.. we just have to listen, really listen.

Father in heaven, Almighty and Glorious in majesty and power, we thank You for Your kindness to us. Thank You for the Word and for the still small voice of Your Spirit, who meets us in our times of need. Speak, Lord, for we our inclining our ears to You.  Lead us in Your paths and help us to trust and obey.  In the Name of Jesus we ask this, amen.

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