Thursday, November 5, 2015

I Kings 15-16   For some reason I find the history of the kings very fascinating.   Just reading through these chapters again, I needed to make myself a timeline of sorts as the narrative alternates through the successions of each reign.  After Solomon died the kingdom was split once again into the two nations, Israel and Judah.  Rehoboam, Solomon's son ruled in Judah and Jeroboam was given rule of Israel.  Both of these men turned away from God's ways.  There was constant war between the two nations for the rest of their lives.

When Rehoboam died after reigning 17 years, his son Abijam took the throne for 2 years.  He also failed to follow the Lord. But after him, Asa, his son became king and did good in the eyes of the Lord.  He ruled for 41 years.

Meanwhile, Jeroboam ruled for 22 years, followed by his son Nadab for 2 years.  Then Baasha killed all of Jeroboam's family and ruled for 24 years followed by his son Elah, for the next 2 years.  Then Zimri killed Elah and all of Baasha's family and took the throne for 7 days.  When he saw that he was surrounded by the army of Israel, Zimri took his own life by burning down the kings house on top of himself.  Omni, the head of the army became king of Israel next, after a brief challenge by Tibni, and ruled for 12 years.  He was followed by his son, Ahab.

During the early rule of Ahab, Asa, the king of Judah died and his son Jehoshaphat became king in his place.

Sometime through all of this violence and trouble, Elijah comes on the scene. About 100 years after David's death, a new man of God, the prophet Elijah comes to lead Israel back to the Only True God.

 In chapter 16:34 there is a brief note - " In his days Hiel the Bethelite built Jericho; he laid the foundations with the loss of Abiram his first-born, and set up its gates with the loss of his youngest son Segue, according to the word of the Lord, which He spoke by Joshua the son of Nun."

Truth - God's Word is always fulfilled.  It is perfect and sure.  The division of the kingdom was foretold and happened.  The death of Jeroboam and all his family happened just as he was told.  The death of Baasha's  family also was foretold and happened.  The long ago prophecy about the rebuilding of Jericho happened just as Joshua said.  These were all judgements that God gave and carried out.  Thankfully, we can also count on God to fulfill His good and perfect promises too.  May we cling to that truth and walk always in His light.

Father, thank You for loving us so much that You sent us a Redeemer, just like You said You would.
Once again we look to You to fulfill the final, glorious promise of His return.  Thank You for the reminder that You always keep Your Word and that we can rest in that Truth.

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