Friday, November 13, 2015

II Kings 2  Elijah is on his final mission.  Elisha refuses to leave him even when he is given many opportunities.  They, and all the prophets they met along the way,  seemed to know that this was the end for Elijah, but whether they knew how this was going to happen... we don't know.

They start at Gilgal, go to Bethel, and then to Jericho - 3 places where there were schools of prophets.  Then they crossed the Jordan, by a path miraculously dried after Elijah strikes it with his mantle.  And just like that, as they walked along together talking, a chariot pulls up to take Elijah home.  A chariot of fire, pulled by horses of fire.  Then with a powerful wind, Elijah is gone.  

Elisha took up Elijah's mantle that had been left behind and returned to the Jordan.  There was some question, it seems to me, in his mind as to whether he would really be able to serve as Elijah had... "Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?"  he cries out and then striking the water with the mantle, he knows... for the water parts for him.  The Lord is with him too.

Elisha spends several days with the school of prophets at Jericho.  They send out a search team for Elijah, even though Elisha tells them it is useless.  They also tell him about the lack of good water in Jericho and Elisha brings healing to the water, purifying it with salt.  Then Elisha heads back towards Samaria, but first taking a trip to Mt Carmel,  the place of Elijah's victory over the false prophets.  This would have been a long way for Elisha to go.  Perhaps it was a time of mourning for his friend, preparation for the tasks ahead, and most of all a time of being alone with God.

Truth - God chose to work through Elijah and Elisha.  He chose them, equipped them, and used them for His purposes. They were not perfect men.  They were no different than any others, except that when God called them, they said "yes".  God calls us.  It is God who works in us.  As Tozer writes, "He needs no one, but when faith is present He works through anyone."   We know that God has not changed.  We know that He still is at work in our world today.  It is up to us to hear His voice and say "yes" to Him .

Father in heaven,  may Your will be done in me today.  As You desire to work in me, I say "yes".
Fill me with Your Spirit and let me know Your Presence today in my life.  I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

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