Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I Kings 12 Since Rehoboam failed to listen to the elders and caused the rebellion of most of Israel's tribes, there was a need for a king of this newly created kingdom of Israel.  The people called for Jeroboam to rule.  God had already given the tribes to Jeroboam and so it happened.  All of this was according to the Lord's Word.

Unfortunately, Jeroboam failed to trust the Lord Who had established him as king in Israel. He worried that the people would return to Rehoboam if they went up to Jerusalem to worship.   So, he took things into his own hands and set up 2 golden calves for the people to worship before.."Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one in Dan."  Not only that, but he selected his own priests, instituted his own feasts, that  " he had devised in his own heart".. instead of obeying God's commands.

Chapter 13  A "man of God", we are not told his name, comes to Jeroboam and prophesies this, "O altar, altar, thus says the Lord, Behold a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name; and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense one, and human bones shall be burned on you."   The man tells Jeroboam that a sign will be given, the altar will break apart.  When Jeroboam stretches out his arm to order the man's arrest, his arm immediately withers!  The altar then does what the Lord said it would, it splits in two.   Jeroboam pleads with the prophet to heal him and he does.  Then the king offers him a reward, which he refuses because the Lord has commanded him not to eat or drink in that place.  The rest of this story is strange ....

An old prophet hears of what happens and goes after the man of God and brings him back.  At first the man refuses, but the old prophet claims that God has told him to come back, so he does.  But as soon as he does, the old prophet condemns him for disobeying God!  The man leaves and is attacked by a lion.  The old prophet goes out and finds his body and buries him and mourns over him.

Truth:  It is so easy to be led astray.  Rehoboam was led away by his desire to be greater than his father.  Jeroboam was led astray by his desire to keep on his own what God had already given him, not trusting Him.  The prophet was led astray by the lie of a fellow prophet.   We are led astray whenever we take our eyes off of God. We must stay in step with Him, listen to His voice, and follow His Word.  Every day and every hour, we need Him.

Father, strengthen us by Your almighty power, through Your Spirit who lives in us.. so that we might stand firm in Your Truth and walk a worthy walk with You.  Let my every step be guided by Your hand I pray. Amen.

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