Monday, November 30, 2015

II Kings 18-20  Hezekiah becomes the king of Judah.  He is described this way, " And he did right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father David had done.  He removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the Ashram.  He also broke the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the sons of Israel burned incense to it; and it was called Nehushtan.  He trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel; so that after him there was none like him among the kings of Judah, nor among those who were before him.  For he clung to the Lord; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the Lord had commanded Moses." 

Hezekiah was an extraordinary man and king.  In a day when there was more evil done in Israel than ever, Hezekiah took a stand.  It was not an easy thing to do.  He had the responsibility of taking care of the people of Judah and he chose to do it by putting his faith in the Lord and not in chariots or horses.

There are several important events in Hezekiah's life that teach us about real faith.

Assyria came up against Israel and took Samaria captive, ending the nation of Israel.  Then they turned their sights on Judah.  Hezekiah refused to surrender to Assyria.  Hezekiah prayed and led his people to pray.  And God delivered them from the Assyrians with a miracle.  Over night 185000 Assyrian warriors died as they camped outside the walls of Jerusalem!

Later, Hezekiah became very sick and was about to die.  Isaiah came to him and told him to prepare to die, but Hezekiah prayed and God heard his prayer and turned Isaiah around to deliver a message that he would have 15 more years. Hezekiah was healed.  3 days later he was in the temple worshipping the Lord.

Hezekiah was not perfect.  He made a terrible mistake by showing the envoys of Babylon all of his treasures.  Isaiah told him that in the future Babylon would take it all away.  Yet, Hezekiah was relieved that the remaining days of his life would be in peace.   When Hezekah died, his son Manasseh succeeded him.  He was only 12 years old at the time.

Truth - Faith doesn't mean that life will be easy.  It doesn't mean that we won't have pain or that we won't face terrible enemies.  But, true faith means that when we pray, we know that God hears us and that He will help us.  Hezekiah's prayer is recorded for us:

"O Lord, the God of Israel,
Who art enthroned above the cherubim,
Thou art the God, Thou alone,
of all the kingdoms of the earth.
Thou has made heaven and earth.
Incline Thine ear, O Lord, and hear;
open Thine eyes, O Lord and see;
And listen to the words of Sennacherib,
which he has sent to reproach the living God.
Truly, O Lord, the kings of Assyria have 
devastated the nations and their lands
and have cast their gods into the fire,
for they were not gods but the work
of men's hands, wood and stone.
And they have destroyed them.
And now, O Lord our God, 
I pray, deliver us from his hand that all the 
kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou alone, 
O Lord, are God. "

Our God and Father,  You are enthroned above the cherubim,  You are God alone.  Once again the world and all the kingdoms of this earth need to know that You alone are God.  Lord, will You once again incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see.. would You stop the evil that is destroying people.  Would You move in ways that cause the world to know that You alone are God. Will You send forth workers into Your harvest so that men and women and children will hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and be saved?  We are so thankful that You never change.. You have planned from ancient times and You will bring to pass all that You have promised.  We cling to You, even as Your servant Hezekiah did.  May our faith be strengthened and our hearts content in Your peace and truth. Amen 

Friday, November 27, 2015

II Kings 15-18  The Lord had told Jehu that 4 generations would serve as king of Israel and it happened that way.  After that there were 5 kings until the Assyrians came and captured Israel and sent them into exile. Over and over, with each king of Israel the phrase that is repeated is: " and he did evil in the sight of the Lord; he did not depart from all the sins of Jeraboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel sin."   Over 200 years and 17 kings after Solomon, Israel is gone.  The Assyrians brought in other nationalities to live in place of the Israelites.  They came from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sephar-vaim. They all brought their idols with them. So the Lord sent lions among them.

The Assyrian king commanded that a priest from Israel be sent back to occupied Israel to teach the people there to fear the Lord so that the lions would not plague them any more.  The priest came and taught them,  and they "feared the Lord" but they also continued with their own gods.  Not acceptable in God's sight.

Chapter 17 takes a break from recording just the historical facts about the kings and adds a commentary about why Israel fell. " Now this came about, because the sons of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God, who had brought them up from the land of Egypt from under the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and they had feared other gods and walked in the customs of the nations whom the Lord had driven out before the sons of Israel, and in the customs of the kings of Israel which they had introduced." ( v7-8)  Israel continually provoked the Lord with their idol worship.  They ignored His warnings. ".. they did not listen, but stiffened their neck like their fathers, who did not believe in the Lord their God." 

"So, the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight; none was left except the tribe of Judah." ( v18)

The people of God, were to serve and fear Him only.  But they would not.  The consequences were exactly what God warned them about.  We are also given the same instructions... to turn back to the Lord our God, to obey His Word, to serve Him only, and to fear no other.   In our days we are seeing foreign gods being brought into our country.  We need to be diligent to teach the Word of God.. to follow Him alone, to bow to Him only, and to not fear other gods.  " But the Lord Your God you shall fear; and He will deliver you from the hand of your enemies." (v39).  May we not be like those who would not listen.  May we be faithful to the Lord, the only True God.

Father in Heaven, never changing, never failing, You alone are God.  We will worship You alone.  We will bow before You and give You all our praise.  Fear has a way of creeping into our lives, Lord.  But we know that You are our Light and our salvation.  You are our stronghold.  Lord, help us to boldly proclaim Your Word to a lost world bogged down by the sin of idolatry.  Only You can save us. Open our eyes to see You and open our mouths to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In Him we come before You to ask these things. Amen.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

II Kings 14 Joash is ruling over Israel. Amaziah becomes king of Judah.  Amaziah is doing right in the Lord's eyes, verse 3 tells us, but he didn't stop the people from their false worship on the high places.  One of the first things that Amaziah does after he gets a firm hold of his kingdom is to kill the servants that had killed his father.  Then he went out and fought Edom and won.  After this he sends a challenge to Joash of Israel, who scorns him.  When they finally do meet Amaziah is defeated and taken captive. Joash attacks Jerusalem, tearing down some of the wall and stealing the silver and gold from the temple and the kings treasury. ( Why do the bad guys win?)

After Joash dies, his son Jeraboam rules in his place.  When Amaziah dies, his son Azariah reigns in Judah.  He is also known as Uzziah.

Verses 24-27 tell us about Jeraboam.  He was evil.  He did the things that his namesake, Jeraboam the son of Nebat had done.  But, he restored some of Israel's borders, " according to the word of the Lord, the God of Israel, which He spoke through His servant, Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet who was of Gath-hepher. For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel, which was very bitter for there were neither bond nor free,  nor was there any helper for Israel." 

In spite of generations of rebellious kings and people in Israel, God's heart was still tender towards His people.  He still loved them and cared for them.  He was still waiting for them to turn back to following Him.

This is the truth that we need to hear and to share... God does not give up on people!  No matter what we have done, no matter who we have become.. if we will turn back to Him and seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him waiting for us!  What an amazing God!

Thank You for loving us Father, so much that You sent Your own Son to reconcile us with You.  When we could not turn back on our own,  when we couldn't overcome our own evil choices and stubborn hearts... You showed us mercy and compassion.  You made a way where there was no way.
And You have never changed!  Your plan and purpose has always been the same.  Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, the God who saves! Amen

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

II Kings 8-13  The kings of Israel and Judah come and go... some good, some evil... there is even a 6 year reign by a queen, Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and wife of Jehoram.  ( As evil as her mother Jezebel).  Through it all the Lord preserves His people and His covenant with David.  Through the years enemies come up against them. God continues to show grace and compassion when they cry out to Him.  He continues to give them time and opportunity to turn from the evil ways and to walk in His ways.

The truth is still the same.. God shows us that obedience and trust in Him are what is needed for true LIFE.  He never changes His plan.  But, He never forces us to do it.  He waits for us and yearns for us.. and He never gives up on us!

Father in heaven, You are unlimited, unchangeable, and unaffected by the events of our world.  Thank You for always loving us and for being our Hope, our Salvation, and our Light.
Guide us today in Your paths, for Your will is what we desire, in Christ we pray. Amen

Thursday, November 19, 2015

II Kings 6-7  So, Elisha brings about the healing of Naaman, from Aram... and then the king of Aram turns around and sets up his army against Israel.  But, every time the king sets up a camp to ambush Israel, Elisha sends word to the king to not go that direction. It happens so much that the king of Aram is convinced that there is a spy in his camp.  A servant tells him about Elisha, "No, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom."

So the king of Aram sends a great army with horses and chariots by night to surround the  city where Elisha is staying.  When his attendant gets up in the morning and sees this he becomes frantic.  But, Elisha is not concerned!  " Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."  Elisha prays for the servant to have opened eyes.  When God opens his eyes he saw "and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." 

Elisha prayed for the Lord to blind the enemy army and He did.  Then Elisha led the army right into the city of Samaria, right into the king of Israel's hands.  The king followed Elisha's instructions, gave the army food and sent them on their way.  We are told that "the marauding bands of Arabians did not come again into the land of Israel."  However, in the very next verse we are told that Ben-hadad, the king of Aram went up and laid siege to Samaria.

There is such a famine in Samaria that the people resort to sacrificing their own children, as food to eat.  The king decides that Elisha is to blame for this and sends this message, " Behold this evil is from the Lord; why should I wait for the Lord any longer?"

Once again Elisha reacts with calm assurance and confidence in the Lord's provision. The Lord makes the Arameans here the sound of a great army and they flee in the night leaving everything behind.  Four lepers discover this and before long the people have food to eat, right out of the enemy's tents.  One man, the royal officer who had scorned Elisha's word from the Lord, was able to see God's deliverance, but was trampled to death at the gate before he could taste any food.  Just like Elisha said.

Elisha's confidence in the Lord is reflected in Psalm 27, where David wrote, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?"
David professes that even if his enemies come like wild beasts to tear him apart, or vast armies encamp against him, "My heart will not fear;"   Both David and Elisha have such a deep knowledge of and trust in God that even in the midst of war they are not afraid.

Truth - God is infinite.  He knows how the enemy works and He assures us that He is our Stronghold, our Shelter, and our Deliverer.  When the circumstances of our world are bleak and we are facing real enemies.. when our lives and our families are in the midst of life and death situations.. He calls us to "Seek His Face".. and we like David and Elisha.. only have to answer, "Thy face, O Lord, I shall seek!" We look to Him . We wait on Him! There is nothing that He cannot do.

Father, open our eyes, like the eyes of Elisha's servant, to see You.. YOU are our Light and our Salvation. You are our stronghold and our shelter.  Whom shall we fear?  No one.  Thank You for the truth You have revealed to us through Your Word. Thank You for being altogether trustworthy.  Help us to live in confidence and not fear.  In Jesus' Name we come. Amen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

II Kings 5  Naaman was the captain of the army of Aram. The Arameans were great enemies of Israel.  Naaman is called a "great man",  a "valiant warrior", and a "leper".   A young slave girl, who had been stolen from Israel, served Naaman's wife.  She told her mistress about Elisha, the man of God. The wife told her husband and he went to the king.  The king sent a letter and money to the king of Israel, asking that he cure Naaman from his leprosy.  The king panicked, because he knew he couldn't do such a thing... but Elisha sent a message that he would help.  Naaman was insulted because Elisha didn't come out of his house and do a miracle like Naaman expected, but his servants convinced him to do what Elisha had said.  He was completely cured.  He promised to worship only the Lord of Israel after that.

Gehazi, Elisha's servant, didn't like the fact that Elisha wouldn't accept the money and gifts that Naaman had brought with him.  He snuck out after Naaman and asked for a small portion.  But, when he returned to Elisha, he lied about where he went.  Gehazi was struck down with leprosy at that moment.

Truth - Simple faith and obedience is what God requires. We want to make things harder than that.  We want to complicate our relationship with the Lord.  We tie ourselves up with things that do not matter.  Naaman learned simple faith. Gehazi did not.  Elisha acted with simplicity and sincerity.
God blessed him mightily!

Father in heaven,  may we also believe the truth, that "those who are with us are more than those who are with them..( the enemy).  You see our hearts and know our thoughts.  May they be acceptable to You O God. Take us and make us wholly Your own. Amen

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

II Kings 4  The Lord works through Elisha to perform 4 miracles.

1 - A widow, whose husband had been one of the faithful prophets, was in dire trouble.  A debt was owed and she had nothing to pay it with, so her 2 children would be taken as slaves.  Elisha asks her if she has anything at all... and she has one jar of oil. The prophet tells her to borrow as many vessels as she can, go into her house, shut the door, and begin filling the vessels.  They obey and they fill enough vessels from her one little jar that she can pay her debt and have enough to live on.

This miracle is similar to the time that Elijah had helped the widow and her son, where the grain was multiplied until the famine was over.  It is also similar to the time when Jesus took the few loaves and fishes and multiplied those to feed over 5000.

2 - Elisha would pass by a certain house quite frequently.  The woman of the house would always invite him in for a meal.  Eventually, she and her husband built a room for him to stay in whenever he passed that way, which must have been frequently.  Elisha wanted to repay her kindness , but she asked for nothing. However, Gehazi, Elisha's servant, noticed that the woman had no son and the husband was old.  There would be no one to care for her if her husband died. So, Elisha blessed her and said she would have a child.  And she did.

3- When the child was "grown" - but still young enough for her to hold him on her lap - he became sick and died. The woman went immediately to Elisha at Mount Carmel.  She wouldn't tell him what was wrong until she was close enough to take hold of his feet.  Elisha sent Gahazi to lay his staff on the child as quickly as possible and he and the woman came after him.  Gahazi was unable to revive the boy, so Elisha went in and prayed.  He laid upon the boy and breathed into him.  He paced,, he prayed and he laid on him again. Then finally the boy sneezed 7 times and opened his eyes.

This is similar to a time when Elijah raised a child from the dead also. His mother was the widow who had been helped with grain that was multiplied.

4 - Elisha goes to Gilgal, where one of the schools of the prophets was kept.  There was a famine there and the people had nothing. When Elisha tells them to make a stew they found some wild gourds to use.  It turned out that these were poisonous gourds.  Elisha had them throw in some meal, and then it was good.  Meanwhile another man sent 20 loaves of barley bread to Elisha from another place.  Elisha instructed them to feed the people with it.  Those 20 loaves multiplied enough to feed over 100 men and have some left over.

Again, these miracles remind us of the miracles of Elijah and fore-shadow the miracles of Christ.

Perhaps these miracles are recorded for us so that we can see a pattern of how God works, for this is truth:

God takes what little we have, and when we give it to Him - He multiplies it to meet our deepest needs. 

When we show kindness to His servants...He will reward us.   "He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you he shall not lose his reward." ( Matthew 10:41-42)

God cares deeply for widows and children.   James wrote, " This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  Deuteronomy 14:29 "...the alien, the orphan, and the widow who are in your town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do."  And Psalm 146:9 says " The Lord protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow; Be He thwarts the way of the wicked. "   This is definitely God's will for us - Isaiah writes, " Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, reprove the ruthless; defend the orphan, plead for the widow. " ( Isaiah 1:16-17)

The Lord holds our lives in His hands; He holds life itself in His hands.  Elijah and Elisha understood that.  They knew that prayer is heard and answered by our God Who can do anything!  There is nothing that is impossible for Him.  Jesus showed us this truth in every miracle He did and every Word that He spoke.

Father in heaven,  grant to us the faith to believe and to act according to that faith.  May we give You all that we have and trust You to provide for our needs.  May we show kindness and compassion to those that You send forth to serve.  May we care for those who have great need, the widow, the fatherless, and the foreigner.  May we know that You are God and may we by faith pray for the impossible to be done for Your glory and honor. Amen

Monday, November 16, 2015

II Kings 3  Israel's king, Jehoram , along with Jehoshaphat from Judah and the king of Edom, joined together against Moab who had rebelled against Israel.  As they went through the wilderness they could not find water for their horses or cattle or their army.  Jehoshaphat suggested they go see Elisha.  Out of respect for Jehoshaphat, Elisha answers them.  They are told to dig trenches in the valley.  The next morning water begins flowing and fills the country.   Elisha calls this ".. but a slight thing in the sight of the Lord;"  He also tells them that they will have victory over Moab.

Everything happens just as Elisha said.  In a sad ending, the king of Moab, surrounded and defeated, takes his own son and sacrifices him as a burnt offering on the wall of his city.  Israel leaves and returns home.

Truth - It is a small thing in the Lord's sight to provide water for 3 armies!  It is a small thing for the Lord to provide for our needs, every day and every hour.  We have so much to be thankful for.  Why do we worry and fret?  Why do we fear?  God, eternal and sovereign , provides for His own.

Father in heaven, holy and wonderful is Your Name.  May we speak words of honor and praise, with hearts fully engaged in worship to You, the Almighty One who was and is and is to come!  Father, we do ask You for daily bread, for the physical needs that we have, but also for the spiritual bread - Your Word.. to fill our hearts and transform our thinking. Help us to think of You rightly... according to Truth. To remember how great and mighty, how wise and how strong You are.  You are infinite in knowledge, in power, and in holiness. Thank You for loving us. Thank You for being patient and kind.  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done... today, in our lives. Amen.

Friday, November 13, 2015

II Kings 2  Elijah is on his final mission.  Elisha refuses to leave him even when he is given many opportunities.  They, and all the prophets they met along the way,  seemed to know that this was the end for Elijah, but whether they knew how this was going to happen... we don't know.

They start at Gilgal, go to Bethel, and then to Jericho - 3 places where there were schools of prophets.  Then they crossed the Jordan, by a path miraculously dried after Elijah strikes it with his mantle.  And just like that, as they walked along together talking, a chariot pulls up to take Elijah home.  A chariot of fire, pulled by horses of fire.  Then with a powerful wind, Elijah is gone.  

Elisha took up Elijah's mantle that had been left behind and returned to the Jordan.  There was some question, it seems to me, in his mind as to whether he would really be able to serve as Elijah had... "Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?"  he cries out and then striking the water with the mantle, he knows... for the water parts for him.  The Lord is with him too.

Elisha spends several days with the school of prophets at Jericho.  They send out a search team for Elijah, even though Elisha tells them it is useless.  They also tell him about the lack of good water in Jericho and Elisha brings healing to the water, purifying it with salt.  Then Elisha heads back towards Samaria, but first taking a trip to Mt Carmel,  the place of Elijah's victory over the false prophets.  This would have been a long way for Elisha to go.  Perhaps it was a time of mourning for his friend, preparation for the tasks ahead, and most of all a time of being alone with God.

Truth - God chose to work through Elijah and Elisha.  He chose them, equipped them, and used them for His purposes. They were not perfect men.  They were no different than any others, except that when God called them, they said "yes".  God calls us.  It is God who works in us.  As Tozer writes, "He needs no one, but when faith is present He works through anyone."   We know that God has not changed.  We know that He still is at work in our world today.  It is up to us to hear His voice and say "yes" to Him .

Father in heaven,  may Your will be done in me today.  As You desire to work in me, I say "yes".
Fill me with Your Spirit and let me know Your Presence today in my life.  I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I Kings 21-22  Ahab coveted the vineyard of his neighbor Naboth.  When Naboth refused to sell it to him, Ahab went home and pouted.  Jezebel, recognizing her husband's weakness, took over.  She arranged for Naboth to be falsely accused and killed.  The Lord sent Elijah to confront Ahab about this and both he and Jezebel would be wiped out.  However, when Ahab heard Elijah's words, he humbled himself and the Lord showed him mercy.

Three years later, Ahab convinced Jehoshaphat to enter into war with him against Aram.  He even disguised himself, but was still killed in the battle.  His son Ahaziah was the next to rule in Israel.  Six years later Jehoshaphat died and was succeeded by his son Jehoram.

Jehoram married Ahab's daughter, Athaliah.  She was as evil as her father and mother.  Her son, Ahaziah would we next on the throne of Judah while her brothers Ahaziah and Joram ruled in Israel.
What a mess!

II Kings 1  Ahaziah lasted only 2 years.  He fell through some lattice work in the upper chamber of his house and was severely injured.  He sent his messengers to "inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron" to find out if he would live. But, Elijah intercepted the messengers and sent them back with a message from the Lord, " Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron?"   Ahaziah does not humble himself.  He sends a division of 50 soldiers to capture Elijah.  Elijah calls for fire from heaven and the division is consumed.  Another group is sent and the same thing happens.  When the third division is sent, the captain bows down before Elijah and asks for mercy... and receives it.  Elijah goes to Ahaziah and tells him that he will die.  His brother Jehoram ( or Joram) takes the throne.

Truth - Women can influence the people in her life for good or for evil.  Jezebel's wickedness affected Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, and her daughter Athaliah.   These people led 2 nations into idolatry and wickedness.  We all must realize the effect that we have on those around us.  Yes, this applies to both men and women, but the influence of a wife or mother, or grandmother.... is vitally important.  

Father in heaven,  I ask that You will help me, by Your Spirit, to be the godly influence that I long to be on my family.  Change what needs to be changed in my thoughts, my attitudes, my actions and my reactions.. that Christ alone is seen in me.  I ask this in the Name of my Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Kings 20  When 33 kings, including Ben -hadad of Aram came against Israel, Ahab willingly submitted.  He was outnumbered and he knew it.  But when they demanded to ransack every house in the city, the elders urged Ahab to stand against them.

God sent a prophet to Ahab, this notorious, idolatrous , evil king, and said, " Behold I will deliver them into your hand today, and you shall know that I am the Lord."  Remarkably, Ahab believed!
Sending out a small army as God directed, Israel won !  The enemies were slaughtered and the king ran away.  The Lord then warned Ahab that Ben-hadad would come back, so Ahab prepared.  Once again, the Lord gave them victory.  But, there was one problem.  Ahab spared Ben-hadad.

Once again a prophet was sent, " Thus says the Lord, 'Because you have let go out of your hand the man whom I had devoted to destruction, therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.'"   Ahab went home "sullen and vexed".

God's plans and purposes sometimes are surprising.  Here is another chance for Ahab to turn to God, to know Him, and to trust in Him alone.  But, even now, Ahab thinks he knows better and fails to obey.

Truth - If we fully trust God, we will fully obey Him.  And then we will know, really know that He is the LORD!

Father in heaven,  thank You for giving us second and third and many more chances, to listen and obey Your voice.  Thank You for giving us victories over the enemy, even when we don't deserve it or when we are overwhelmed by them.   Great are You Lord and highly to be praised. All that we are and all that we have comes from You.. our every breath, our every heartbeat, is in Your Hands.  We ask You, our provider for daily bread, for all we need comes from You.  We need steadfast hearts, committed lives, and devoted lives.... draw us nearer and nearer to Yourself we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I Kings 19 Elijah ran from Mt Carmel, which is in the northwest corner of Israel to Jezreel where Ahab's palace was built.  But, when Jezebel threatened his life, he ran to Beersheba in the south, then further into the wilderness ( where he rests and is fed by an angel)  and finally to Horeb/ Mount Sinai, the mountain of God.  There, Elijah meets with the Lord.

"What are you doing here, Elijah?" the Lord asks him, twice.  Both times Elijah answers, " I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant, torn down Thy altars and killed Thy prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life to take it away."  ( v10 and 14).  After the first time they have this exchange, God directs Elijah to stand on the mountain and then He passes by him.  There is a strong wind, then an earthquake, followed by a fire, and finally a gentle breeze.  Picture Elijah, high up on a rocky mountain side, clinging to the rocks as the wind comes, breaking pieces of rock that go flying all around him; yet he is not struck ... then feeling the trembling of an earthquake, watching boulders shake and tumble past; yet he does not fall.   Still clinging to the mountain, Elijah feels the burning heat of a fire, yet he is not burned.  How long, I wonder did this go on?  But then, Elijah hears "the sound of a gentle blowing".  Instantly, he knows that this is the Lord.  He wraps his face with his mantle and again the Lord asks him, " What are you doing here, Elijah ?" When Elijah's answer has not changed, the Lord gives him an assignment.

Elijah heads back north - He is to anoint Hazael as king of Aram ( Syria); Jehu as king of Israel; and Elisha as his own replacement.   The Lord also promises Elijah that there are 7000 in Israel that have not worshipped Baal and will be spared.  Elijah is able to return now.  He finds Elisha and throws his mantle on him.

Did Elijah learn what he needed to know about God on the holy mountain?  He is able to return to his duties as the Lord's prophet.  He doesn't falter or run away again after this.  In fact, he seems very sure of himself and the mission that God has for him.  God had revealed Himself to Elijah in a way that he could grasp.  Through hurricane winds, through earthquakes, through fire.. God did not seem to be there.. but He was. Yet, it was in the gentle breeze that Elijah met Him.  In the quiet and stillness came the assurance that Elijah needed and received.

Truth - God knows exactly where we are.  Physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, He knows just how to meet us.. we just have to listen, really listen.

Father in heaven, Almighty and Glorious in majesty and power, we thank You for Your kindness to us. Thank You for the Word and for the still small voice of Your Spirit, who meets us in our times of need. Speak, Lord, for we our inclining our ears to You.  Lead us in Your paths and help us to trust and obey.  In the Name of Jesus we ask this, amen.

Monday, November 9, 2015

I Kings 18  At the end of 3 years Elijah is instructed to go to Ahab.  The Lord is ready to return the rain to Israel, but first He will give the people another opportunity to return to serving Him.  All of Israel is gathered together at Mount Carmel.  450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah are brought in to offer an oxen to their gods while Elijah stands alone to present an offering to the One true God.   Elijah gives them every advantage - they choose the ox, they go first, and they take as much time as they want - yet there is no response, no voice, and no reactions - proving that these idols were nothing!  Then Elijah builds an altar to the Lord out of 12 stones, representing all the tribes of Israel, slays the oxen, soaks it thoroughly with water, and then prays.  " Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench."

There was an immediate response of worship - "And when the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, 'The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God.'"

But, it is not over yet.  Elijah sends Ahab home after killing all of the false prophets.  Then Elijah prays for the rain to start.. and then there is a heavy shower.

Tozer said, " Few of us have let our hearts gaze in wonder at the I AM, the self-existant Self back of which no creature can think."  And, " Some knowledge of what kind of God it is that operates the universe is indispensable to a sound philosophy of life and a sane outlook on the world scene."  This account of Elijah gives us a snapshot into the Greatness of our God.  We need to gaze at Him here... and soak in the Truth of Who He is... and when we see Him, really see Him, we too will fall on our faces, crying " The Lord, He is God!"

Truth - The Lord, the I AM, eternal, self-existent God Who has revealed Himself to us, is the Almighty God, the triune Creator and Sovereign of the universe.   He alone is worthy of our worship, our service, our devotion, our time, our lives.   He sends rain and withholds rain.  He reveals Himself in power, in love, and in His greatness.

Father, open our eyes so that we can see You,  to know Your greatness, to fall before You in real worship.  Open my eyes Lord.  Thank You for revealing Yourself to us through the wonders of Your creation, through the power of Your Word, and through the life of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ the Lord. Be glorified! You are the King of Glory! Amen.

Friday, November 6, 2015

I Kings 17 Elijah's first recorded prophecy is given to Ahab, "As the Lord, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word." 

Then Elijah follows the Lord's instructions and goes into isolation - first to the brook Cherith where he is fed by ravens that bring him meat and bread; and then to the widow in Zarephath.  There, the Lord provides for him and the widow and her son by multiplying the flour and oil continually so that it never runs out during this famine.  When the widow's son dies, it is Elijah who prays and pleads with the Lord to revive him and the child is brought back to life.

Elijah was just a man, like any other.  But, he was a man who believed God, obeyed God, and knew God.  To go to a king, especially one like Ahab, and announce a drought, took a lot of courage, but Elijah obeyed.  To trust God to provide food... to ask a poor widow to use her last bit of flour to make him some bread.. took a great deal of faith also.  To pray for a dead child and see him revived... these were life changing experiences that strenghtened  Elijah's faith and prepared him for the future purposes that God had for him.

Truth - God is able to do anything!  Nothing is impossible for Him! God brings before us challenges, opportunities for us to act in faith, and in obedience, so that we know these truths.

Father,  I do not know what Your plans and purposes are for me- for today or for the rest of my life; but I pray that I will be able to stand firm in Christ.  Let Your Truth be my belt and Your Righteousness, my breastplate.  I will believe and obey Your Voice, with Your help, by the might of Your Spirit within me.  Take my life and let it be Yours.  May Your Name be glorified in all the earth today!  Turn hearts back to You... The One True God.  Amen

Thursday, November 5, 2015

I Kings 15-16   For some reason I find the history of the kings very fascinating.   Just reading through these chapters again, I needed to make myself a timeline of sorts as the narrative alternates through the successions of each reign.  After Solomon died the kingdom was split once again into the two nations, Israel and Judah.  Rehoboam, Solomon's son ruled in Judah and Jeroboam was given rule of Israel.  Both of these men turned away from God's ways.  There was constant war between the two nations for the rest of their lives.

When Rehoboam died after reigning 17 years, his son Abijam took the throne for 2 years.  He also failed to follow the Lord. But after him, Asa, his son became king and did good in the eyes of the Lord.  He ruled for 41 years.

Meanwhile, Jeroboam ruled for 22 years, followed by his son Nadab for 2 years.  Then Baasha killed all of Jeroboam's family and ruled for 24 years followed by his son Elah, for the next 2 years.  Then Zimri killed Elah and all of Baasha's family and took the throne for 7 days.  When he saw that he was surrounded by the army of Israel, Zimri took his own life by burning down the kings house on top of himself.  Omni, the head of the army became king of Israel next, after a brief challenge by Tibni, and ruled for 12 years.  He was followed by his son, Ahab.

During the early rule of Ahab, Asa, the king of Judah died and his son Jehoshaphat became king in his place.

Sometime through all of this violence and trouble, Elijah comes on the scene. About 100 years after David's death, a new man of God, the prophet Elijah comes to lead Israel back to the Only True God.

 In chapter 16:34 there is a brief note - " In his days Hiel the Bethelite built Jericho; he laid the foundations with the loss of Abiram his first-born, and set up its gates with the loss of his youngest son Segue, according to the word of the Lord, which He spoke by Joshua the son of Nun."

Truth - God's Word is always fulfilled.  It is perfect and sure.  The division of the kingdom was foretold and happened.  The death of Jeroboam and all his family happened just as he was told.  The death of Baasha's  family also was foretold and happened.  The long ago prophecy about the rebuilding of Jericho happened just as Joshua said.  These were all judgements that God gave and carried out.  Thankfully, we can also count on God to fulfill His good and perfect promises too.  May we cling to that truth and walk always in His light.

Father, thank You for loving us so much that You sent us a Redeemer, just like You said You would.
Once again we look to You to fulfill the final, glorious promise of His return.  Thank You for the reminder that You always keep Your Word and that we can rest in that Truth.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I Kings 14  Both Rehoboam and Jeroboam fail to be godly kings.   Both bring idolatry into full force in Israel and Judah.  Both are judged by God and given dire consequences.

Verses 1-20 tell of Jeraboam's loss of his son Abijah, the result of his sinfulness.  Jeroboam reigns for 22 years and is succeeded by another son, Nadab.   Rehoboam rules Judah for 17 years.  During the 5th year of his reign Judah is attacked by Egypt and all of the "treasures of the house of the Lord"  are taken.   His son, Abijam, becomes king after Rehoboam dies.

Truth:  Idolatry destroys.  It destroyed Jeroboam and Rehoboam.  It destroyed the nations of Israel and Judah.  It continues to destroy men and women and nations.  God calls it evil, an abomination, a sin.  Idolatry will always lead to immorality and ultimately to death.   So where we see immorality and death today in our world - we can trace it back to the idol that is being served....

Our country is plagued by violence and sexual exploitation - the idols of alcohol and drugs are often involved.  Why do people end up serving these?  Greed? Despair?  Loss of love, or hope?

Immorality is being blasted through the airways... tv, internet, music, movies.  The idol being served here may be greed - money,  ego, or power.

Immorality is seen in our highest levels of government - deceitfulness, corruption, and promotion of that which God calls an "abomination".  Murder through abortions,  immoral sexual behavior etc.
The idol - Self?  Greed or Power?

The results will be the same as it was for Rehoboam and Jeroboam - destruction will come.  God is a jealous God. He is provoked to jealousy by those who willingly and blatantly sin against Him.  He will bring judgement.  God help us when that time comes here.

Father in heaven,  I pray that You will bring about revival in our land.  I pray that You will turn the hearts of men and women, away from the culture of death, and back to Yourself, Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness.  Forgive us Lord!  I pray that You will open our eyes to see what is happening and to seek to know You more.  I pray that we might stay alert and ready for the return of Jesus Christ.  Cleanse us from all unrighteousness, lead us not into temptation and deliver us from the evil one.  I pray this in the Name and authority of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I Kings 12 Since Rehoboam failed to listen to the elders and caused the rebellion of most of Israel's tribes, there was a need for a king of this newly created kingdom of Israel.  The people called for Jeroboam to rule.  God had already given the tribes to Jeroboam and so it happened.  All of this was according to the Lord's Word.

Unfortunately, Jeroboam failed to trust the Lord Who had established him as king in Israel. He worried that the people would return to Rehoboam if they went up to Jerusalem to worship.   So, he took things into his own hands and set up 2 golden calves for the people to worship before.."Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one in Dan."  Not only that, but he selected his own priests, instituted his own feasts, that  " he had devised in his own heart".. instead of obeying God's commands.

Chapter 13  A "man of God", we are not told his name, comes to Jeroboam and prophesies this, "O altar, altar, thus says the Lord, Behold a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name; and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense one, and human bones shall be burned on you."   The man tells Jeroboam that a sign will be given, the altar will break apart.  When Jeroboam stretches out his arm to order the man's arrest, his arm immediately withers!  The altar then does what the Lord said it would, it splits in two.   Jeroboam pleads with the prophet to heal him and he does.  Then the king offers him a reward, which he refuses because the Lord has commanded him not to eat or drink in that place.  The rest of this story is strange ....

An old prophet hears of what happens and goes after the man of God and brings him back.  At first the man refuses, but the old prophet claims that God has told him to come back, so he does.  But as soon as he does, the old prophet condemns him for disobeying God!  The man leaves and is attacked by a lion.  The old prophet goes out and finds his body and buries him and mourns over him.

Truth:  It is so easy to be led astray.  Rehoboam was led away by his desire to be greater than his father.  Jeroboam was led astray by his desire to keep on his own what God had already given him, not trusting Him.  The prophet was led astray by the lie of a fellow prophet.   We are led astray whenever we take our eyes off of God. We must stay in step with Him, listen to His voice, and follow His Word.  Every day and every hour, we need Him.

Father, strengthen us by Your almighty power, through Your Spirit who lives in us.. so that we might stand firm in Your Truth and walk a worthy walk with You.  Let my every step be guided by Your hand I pray. Amen.

Monday, November 2, 2015

I Kings 12  Solomon reigned 40 years as the king of Israel, then his son Rehoboam was given the throne.  Rehoboam was 41 years old at the time he became king.  He was just a baby when Solomon's reign began.  He would have been a child and young teen during the building of the temple and Solomon's palaces.  He would have been an eye witness, seeing his father marry 700 wives and take on their idols.  He would have experienced the lavish life style that came along with Solomon's wealth.  Unfortunately ,  he did not experience the relationship to the One true God that Solomon should have passed on to him.  We are told in 2 Chronicles 12:13 that his mother was Naamah the Ammonitess.  Molech " the detestable idol of the sons of Ammon" was one of the false gods that Solomon built a high place for near Jerusalem ( I Kings 11:7)

God had already told Solomon that the kingdom would be torn out of the hands of his son.  He had already told Jeroboam that He was going to give him the 10 tribes to rule.  Here in chapter 12 we see how it happens.... King Rehoboam was barely made king when Jeroboam and "all the assembly" came to him to ask for relief from the "heavy yoke" that Solomon had put on them.  Rehoboam asked for 3 days to make his decision.  He consulted the elders, who agreed with the people. Then he consulted his own friends who he had grown up with.  These men urged Rehoboam to be even more demanding than his father, to show that he was even greater... Pride and arrogance won out over reason and wisdom.  Rehoboam refused the people's request and lost 10 tribes from his kingdom.

Rehoboam had to deal with the rebellion of Israel for all of his reign.  His nation, now called Judah, would carry on the promises to David, but it would never be the same as it had been under David's or Solomon's reign.

Truth :  We all make a choice about whom we will serve.  We either serve God or we serve a false god.  That god may be a detestable image or may be our own ego.  In either case, we will actually be serving Satan.   The Lord calls us to be fully devoted to Him.  He commands us to obey His Word and to follow His ways.  We must stand firm in our devotion and commitment to Him.  For only in the Lord, the One True God, can we find life.

Father in heaven, You are infinite and mighty; You are holy and transcendent .  There is none like You.  I want to live for You with all of my heart and soul and mind and strength.  I want to love You and You alone.  You are my God.  There is no other.  I come before You with thanksgiving and praise.  You have given me life through Jesus, the Lamb of God, who has taken away the sins of the world.  Thank You for saving me.  I pray for those who are still walking in darkness and ask that You would send forth Your Light into their hearts.  Please help us to faithfully stand firm with Your Truth and Righteousness, and then boldly proclaim the Gospel wherever we go.  I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen