Wednesday, August 5, 2015

1 Samuel 3  Eli, the priest, almost blind, a failure as a father and a priest, is sleeping in the temple at Shiloh.  Samuel, a young boy, dedicated to the Lord by his mother, is actually sleeping in the place where the ark of the Lord is being kept.  We are told that  the "word of the Lord was rare in those days, visions were infrequent".   The people, even the priests were not faithful to the Lord. In fact, there was little that God would be pleased with in Israel at that time.  Yet, He had a plan.

The Lord speaks audibly to Samuel 3 times, calling him by name.  Samuel is young, he has never heard the Lord's voice, in fact we are told that "Samuel did not yet know the Lord, nor had the word of the Lord yet been revealed to him."   He was living in the temple and didn't know the Lord!  He was ministering in the temple, doing what Eli told him to do, yet he didn't even know the Lord.
Eli finally figures out that the Lord is calling Samuel and tells him to say, " Speak, Lord, for Thy servant is listening."

This very first message from the Lord to Samuel is a message of judgement against Eli and his family.  That had to be hard for this young man.  The person who was his caretaker, mentor, friend, father figure... was going to be judged and there would be no atonement for his sins.  Nevertheless, Samuel had to tell Eli the vision and Eli accepted the Word of the Lord.

This was the beginning of Samuel's role as the Lord's prophet. "Thus Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fail." (v19).  It also was the return of God's Presence in Israel. "And the Lord appeared again at Shiloh, because the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel at Shiloh by the word of the Lord."  This is a true turning point in the nation of Israel. One young boy, hearing the voice of God, knowing the Word of God, and speaking the Truth of God... leads a nation back to God.

Father in heaven,  thank You for revealing Yourself to each of us through Your Word.  Thank You that we can know that Your Word is Perfect and never fails.  Thank You that You called us each by name even when we didn't know You, and You drew us near to Yourself.  You are amazing Lord! Thank You that You take the weak and lowly to use for Your purposes.  And thank You Lord that You can even use one such as me...  for I am Yours through the grace of our Lord Jesus. Be with us, even as You were with Samuel we pray.  In the Name of the Lord Jesus,  amen.

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