Thursday, August 13, 2015

1 Sam. 11 A group of Ammonites comes up against Jabesh-gilead in Israel.  The town cannot fight on its own, so they offer to surrender.  However, the leader of the Ammonites decides that their surrender would include gouging out the right eyes of all the people!   Jabsesh and the elders ask for 7 days to see if they can get some help and the Ammonites agree to that.  So messengers are sent out.

When the messengers come to Saul's town, we find out that he is living life as normal, even though he has been appointed king.  Saul hears the news and "Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul mightily ... and he became very angry."   Saul rallies all of Israel to come and fight together, so they do and defeat the Ammonites.   This convinces everyone that Saul is the right choice for the kingship .  Saul gives glory to the Lord for this and offers peace offerings.

A new era has begun in Israel. Things are looking hopeful and people are rejoicing.

Chapter 12 Samuel has one more message for these jubilant people, a message that sobers them and focuses them back to the true source of deliverance and hope.   He begins with  personal accountability -  has he walked before them in honesty and justice and integrity?  They agree that he has.  Likewise - has God acted righteously towards Israel?  Yes, they would have to agree.  Yet they wanted a king..  a man, instead of the King, Jehovah, the self-existent, eternal, One; their God, the Supreme Ruler and Creator.  Samuel says, "... here is the king whom you have chosen..." 

They have chosen the lesser.  They have rejected the Greater.   And even then, the Lord still calls them to Himself.  Don't turn aside, follow the Lord, serve the Lord, listen to His voice and obey His Word. And He will still be your God.  "For the Lord will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the Lord has been pleased to make you a people for Himself." 

Father in Heaven,  our Lord and our God, holy is Your Name.  Thank You for making us Your people.  For redeeming us through the blood of Jesus, Your blessed Son.  Thank You for bearing with us through our wrong choices and weak faith.  We don't want the lesser things Lord.  We want to serve You and You alone. Eternal, never failing, always faithful  and gracious God, You are King Eternal and we worship You. Bless Your holy Name. Amen

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