Tuesday, August 11, 2015

1 Sam. 9-10 Saul is described as "choice and handsome";  more handsome than any other and taller than any other.  He would at least outwardly, make a king to be proud of.  The first thing we hear about Saul is when he is sent to look for his father's missing donkeys. ( Which by the way, he doesn't find!)  When he is about to give up looking, Saul's servant suggests that they go see the "seer" to help find the donkeys.  The perception of Samuel seems more like a fortune teller than a man of God, but Samuel is expecting Saul, for God had selected him to be the "prince" over Israel.

Samuel tells Saul of 3 signs that he will encounter that will prove to him that what God has said, He will do.  First, Saul will meet 2 men near Rachel's tomb who will tell him that the donkeys have been found and that his father is concerned for him.  Next, he will meet 3 men going to Bethel with kids, bread and wine, and they will give him 2 loaves of bread.  Thirdly, he will encounter a group of prophets and the Spirit of the Lord will come upon him mightily so that he will also prophesy.   All of these things happen just as Samuel said.  Still, Saul is not really comfortable with all that is happening to him.

Samuel calls together all of the people to come before the Lord at Mizpah.  He stresses that what is about to happen is a rejection of the Lord, but that He has chosen a king for them.  Using the casting of lots, the tribe of Benjamin is selected,  then from there the family of Matrite is chosen, and from there Saul is chosen.  But Saul hides!

The Lord has chosen Saul.  The people, for the most part, accept him.  Some "valiant men whose hearts God had touched went with him.  But certain worthless men said, 'How can this one deliver us?'"  

Why did God choose Saul?  He knew that Saul would fail.  There was no indication that Saul trusted in God or even knew Him .  In fact, it was Saul's servant who wanted to go to Samuel and had the money to give Samuel.  Saul himself had no aspiration to be king.  So, why did God choose him?
The people of Israel approved of Saul because of his outward appearance.  They didn't know anything about him but willingly accepted him as king. And, there is the beginning of trouble from the outset.

Father in Heaven, Your ways are mysterious to us sometimes.  We know that Your ways are perfect and that You are in control.  Help us to understand and to learn from Your Word so that we may walk carefully in Your ways.  The people of Israel did look at the outward appearance of Saul, but even then, You knew his heart.  Likewise, You know our hearts.  Your desire is for us to fear You, love You and walk in Your ways. You have chosen us, through Christ Jesus, to be Your children, to serve You and to cling to You always.  Complete in us Your full will, to Your glory and honor.  In Christ we pray, amen.

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