Monday, August 17, 2015

1 Samuel 13-14  Saul and Jonathan go up against the Philistines.  They are seriously out-numbered. The men of Israel are shaking in their boots.  Many are hiding in caves, thickets, cliffs, cellars and pits.  Many are deserting.  It is at this moment that Saul fails at the most important aspect of his reign as king of Israel, for Saul chooses to take it upon himself to offer sacrifices before the Lord.  Saul's character is revealed here - he lacked faith;  he lacked wisdom; and he lacked the fear of the Lord.

"The Lord has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has appointed him as ruler over His people, .." Samuel tells Saul.    Saul's kingdom would not be established forever.  It could not endure because Saul did not trust God enough to obey Him when it counted. 

Jonathan had more faith and wisdom than his father Saul.  He also had more courage.  It is Jonathan that takes the lead in battle against the Philistines, trusting the Lord to deliver them.  And it is Jonathan who gains the allegiance of the people when Saul seeks to put him to death for disobeying his command to not eat until the battle was won.

Saul's lack of faith in God and failure to obey His commands will lead to more and more problems in his life and in the future of Israel.  And so it is with all of us.  When we fail to trust God with our problems, when we fail to obey His Word, then we will be like Saul.  We will make foolish decisions and bluster through difficulties, trying to hide ourselves, our true selves, with outward bravado.
Saul surrounded himself with "any mighty man or any valiant man.." that he saw.  He didn't trust God to protect him.  He feared people more than he feared God.  His life decisions reveal the lack in his heart.

Father in heaven,  help us to hear Your voice through Your Word today.  May we learn to trust You more and to always obey Your Word, even when the circumstances around us seem the most difficult.
Increase our faith. Increase our love and make our hearts after Your own.  Forgive us for the times we fail You.  Deliver us from evil, from all evil. In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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