Thursday, August 20, 2015

1 Sam. 17  David and Goliath.. one of the most well known Bible stories of all time is told here.  Saul and the army are camped on one side of the valley of Elah.  The Philistines are on the other side.  They send a giant of a man, over 9 feet tall, completely clothed with armor and a big mouth - to challenge and taunt the Israelites.  This happens every day for 40 days.  Every time that Goliath yells out his taunt, the army of Israel shakes and trembles, until the day that David comes to the camp.  David is the little brother and Eliab, the oldest, is unhappy with David's questions.  This doesn't stop David from offering to fight the giant.  David convinces Saul that he can face the giant.  He does so with only a sling and a stone.

We know the story.  We know that David slays the giant with one little stone and then uses Goliath's own sword to cut off his head.  We know that this was a turning point for the battle and that the Israelites prevail over the Philistines.  We know that David is made the head of Saul's army.  And we know that this leads to Saul's mistrust and hatred of David.

How is it that all of this happens?  David is still a young man,  probably a teenager.  David has absolute faith in the Lord.  He seems to have no fear of the giant, no fear of his brother's displeasure, and no fear of Saul, the king, whose place he has been anointed to take.  David does not seem to be after fame or power for himself.  His focus is on the Lord, " .. that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel."  David testifies of the Lord's deliverance of him in the past and is confident of the Lord's deliverance in the present.  It makes me wonder where he gained such faith.  God had a special plan and purpose for David and David was totally surrendered to God's will for him.

Father in heaven,  may our hearts be yielded to You today in complete surrender, just a David's was.
May we be unafraid of the giants in our land, those who taunt Your people, and those who are afraid to fight the enemy.  Give us the kind of faith that enables us to make a stand for the Name of the Lord. Thank You for Your Word and the Truth we can live by.  You are the Lord Almighty, El Shaddai, all sufficient and all bountiful, the source of all blessing.  You are Adonai, our Master, and we are Your servants, kept by Your Hand.  We look to You and wait on You, Lord.  Let Your will be done and Your Name glorified we pray. Amen

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