Thursday, August 27, 2015

1 Samuel 28-31  Saul led Israel into one last battle with the Philistines.  But, he was so afraid that he asked a medium to conjure up Samuel for him.  What seems remarkable is that she does it!  Samuel tells Saul that the Lord is just doing what He had said he would do, taking Israel out of Saul's hands and giving it to David.

Meanwhile David is dismissed from the battle with Israel because the commanders of the Philistines don't trust him.  When he and his men return home, they find that the Amalekites had come in and taken all their families and burned down their town.  David goes after them and not only rescues them but takes everything that the Amalekites had.  He splits up the spoil with all his men and has enough to send generous gifts to all his friends in Judah..

Back at the battlefield, the Philistines chase down Israel and Saul is wounded.  He is afraid of what the enemy will do and asks his armor bearer to kill him, but the boy cannot do it, so he falls on his own sword.  His sons are also killed in battle.   The Philistines display Saul's head and body on a wall, along with his sons'.  "Valiant men"  of Jabesh-gilead hear about this and travel all night to retrieve the bodies, which they burn and bury appropriately.

And so ends the first book of Samuel. Israel is on the edge of its greatest days, yet everything is dark and frightening.  If they could see ahead just a few years, they would be greatly encouraged... but then we know that further down the road, disaster would strike again and again.  We are told that all that has been written here is for an example for us. Saul's lack of spiritual integrity led to his failure as God's anointed king.  David, though not a perfect man by any means, had a heart that followed after God.  We too must choose.  It is not enough to have some knowledge about God.  We must choose to follow the Lord, to love Him with all of our heart and soul and mind and strength.  We may fail at times, even David did, but we must not give up.  Cling to Jesus, be an overcomer, persevere until the end.  He will not give up on us.

Father,  Jehovah Nissi,  You are our banner.  We must fight the good fight for our faith.  We cannot do it alone, with our own strength or will, but by Your Spirit. Cover us with Your wings, keep us as the apple of Your eye.  We turn to You and pray for Your help,  to live a life pleasing to You, to bear good fruit, to Know You more and more.  Thank You for salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord, amen.

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