Tuesday, August 25, 2015

1 Samuel 23-25  These chapters tell of David's life as he hides from Saul.

In chapter 23 David and his men help deliver Keilah from the Philistines, but then have to leave because Saul was coming after him.  The men from Keilah would hand David over to Saul, and the Ziphites also were willing to hand David over.

In Chapter 24 Saul is pursuing David and when he goes into a cave, David and his men are hiding there.  David cuts off a piece of Saul's robe, but refuses to harm Saul.  He confronts Saul and humbles himself before Saul, swearing to never harm him. Saul leaves David alone for the moment.

In Chapter 25 we learn that Samuel died.  Also, we learn of David's encounter with Abigail, as she intervenes when her husband Nabal refuses to help David and his men.  Nabal dies and David takes Abigail to be his wife.  She is a wise woman who trusts the Lord.  Seems a very good choice for David.  He also marries Ahinoam,  and he was still married to Michal, Saul's daughter, although Saul had given her to another man.  In fact, it appears that later David ended up with at least 8 wives and many concubines. He had at least 20 children that are named.

David was far from being a perfect man.  We know that he loved the Lord. We know that he was considered a great king.  We know that the Lord had chosen David because of his heart for God.  Yet, we cannot think that David was anything but a fallen man, just like the rest of us.  What can we learn from David's story?  That no matter our bad choices, our failures, or our circumstances... God is in control.  He is able to do great things through us, even when we are flawed.  He does desire our full devotion and obedience, but He also knows our weaknesses and failures.  So thankful for a patient and perfect God, El Shaddai, the all-Sufficient and All bountiful Source of blessing.  When we are weak - He is strong. Praise God!

Father, we exalt You!  You are kind and loving and patient with us.  You provide and protect Your servants.  You call us Your own and You have made us Your children.  How wonderful You are!
Jehovah-Rophe - The Lord our Healer,  You are the remedy, the cure for our souls.  You are our rest.
We need You now. Come and fill our hearts again with the knowledge of Your Greatness.  Amen.

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