Wednesday, August 19, 2015

1 Sam. 16  The Lord tells Samuel to go to Bethlehem because He had "selected a king" for Himself from there.  The Lord specifically chooses David,  the youngest of his family. David is anointed right then and there and is filled with the Spirit of the Lord.  Later David is drafted as a minstrel and armor bearer for Saul. At this point Saul loved David, but this would be changed later when he realizes that David is a better man than he.

This chapter is just the introduction to David and to a new regime that will culminate in the King of kings, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, "the son of David".   David is hand selected by the Lord.  He is not chosen for his outward appearance, even though he is described as handsome,  but for his heart.
Later, when Saul's servant talks about David, he says, "Behold I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech, and a handsome man; and the Lord is with him." ( v18).  That is quite a reputation.

Father in heaven, we thank You for the way You know each of us individually.  You know what is in our hearts.  You lead us according to Your plans, not our own.  And when we walk in faith and obedience, You do mighty things for us and through us.  We desire to live for You and to walk in Your ways so that our reputations will reflect You - that others will be able to say, "The Lord is with him/her."  Anoint us with Your Spirit and flow through our lives, our service, our ministries, so that others may know You more.  We ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus, amen.

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