Monday, August 24, 2015

1 Sam. 21-22  David flees from Saul.  He first goes to Nob to see the priest, Ahimelech.  There, he asks for bread and for a weapon.  He takes the sacred bread and the sword of Goliath.  We find out later that he also has Ahimelech "inquire of the Lord"  for him.

David first tries to go to Gath, but has to pretend to be insane in order to escape from there.  Then he goes to the cave of Adullam.  When his whole family comes there, David takes his parents to Moab in order to keep them safe.  Then he is directed by the prophet Gad to go back to Judah.

Meanwhile Saul has begun his pursuit of David and blames his servants for not telling him about Jonathan's covenant with David.  Doeg the Edomite reports about seeing David with the priests at Nob. So Saul summons all the priests to come to him.  He accuses them of conspiring with David and kills all of them and all of their families, except for one son, Abiathar, who escapes and flees to David.

Here is David, the anointed king, chosen by God to lead Israel.  Yet,  he is in hiding from the same man who he had served faithfully, his own father-in-law.  Saul is going from bad to worse.  Killing the innocent priests is an evil and desperate act that reveals how hard his heart had become.   David humbly waits to see what God will do for him.  Saul doesn't even care about those that God has ordained as His own, the priests.

Faithfully waiting and trusting God.
Or, viciously plowing down anyone that doesn't do the evil that is in his heart.

We each choose what side we will be on.  David was being accused, chased, forced into hiding... Yet we know that he loved God and was living by faith in God.   Being on the Lord's side is not easy.  But, it is worth it.

Father God, Adonai, our Lord and Master, we are Your servants and You are our protector and provider. As we meditate on Your Word, will You show us how to live in obedience and trust, even as David did.  We know that our world is increasingly evil and that Your people are being pursued and persecuted around this world.  We pray for You to bring them through, to help, to heal, and to guide them to safety.  El Shaddai, bless Your people with great spiritual blessings, that they, that we ,will persevere until the end.  Be glorified in all the earth.  Be magnified in our lives, that the greatness of Your majesty be made known.  Through the blessed Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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