Wednesday, August 26, 2015

1 Samuel 26  Saul hears that David is in a certain place and he brings an army of 3000 to search for him.  David hears that Saul has come again and he confirms it by sending out spies.  While Saul and his army are sleeping, David and his nephew Abishai walk into Saul's camp and take his spear and his water jug.  When they get to a safe distance away, David calls to Abner, Saul's cousin and leader of his army.  Once again, David had an opportunity to kill Saul, but he refused to touch the Lord's anointed king.

David does what is right.  Saul admits it and confesses that he has sinned against David.  Again they part ways.

Yet, the next thing we read in Chapter 27 is that David says to himself, " Now I will perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than to escape into the land of the Philistines..."
So, for the 2nd time, David goes to Gath, to the king Achish, the same one that he had pretended to be crazy before.  This time he takes over 600 soldiers and their families with him and convinces the king to let them live in the country. David and his family and his army go to live in Ziklag.

From there David and his men raid the Geshurites, the Girzites, and the Amalekites, enemies of Israel; but he tells Achish that he has raided Judah, Jerhmeelites and the Kenites, people of Israel. Achish believed that David was making himself an enemy of Israel.  David never allowed one person to live in the places he raided, so that no one would be able to tell on him. This went on for a year and 4 months.

Again, we see these 2 sides of David.  He is honorable towards Saul, even though Saul wouldn't think twice about killing him.  But, he is deceptive and dishonest to Achish, while taking advantage of him.
It is interesting that during this time  with the Philistines there is no mention of the Lord.  Has David lost focus? Has he lost faith?

Father in heaven, we all face times of discouragement and disappointment.  Perhaps we have tried to run away, even as David did.  But You see us.  You are Jehovah-Jirah, the God who sees and provides and delivers.  There are no surprises for You.  You know our hearts and You will hear our prayers and cries to You.  Help us to hear Your voice, to remember that You never leave us or forsake us.  That You have a plan and it is always for our good, to draw us closer to Yourself.  To transform us into the people You want us to become. Thank You for being ever loving, patient and kind.  We lift our eyes to You, for You are "righteous in all Your ways and kind in all Your deeds."   You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.  You keep those who love You and You destroy the wicked. "My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever" ( Psalm 145)  Amen.

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