Friday, August 7, 2015

1 Sam. 8   Samuel is growing old and appoints his sons to be judges over Israel, but like Eli, he does not have sons that are worthy of such an appointment.  Samuel's sons are dishonest, taking "bribes and perverting justice."  The elders quickly dismiss them and request that Samuel appoint a king.   "Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all nations." (v5).

Samuel was unhappy about this request.  When he prays to the Lord about it, he is told to do what the people have asked.  The Lord is not surprised by this request,  He knew it was coming.  It proved two things:  1. Israel had rejected the Lord from being king over them.
             2. Israel had forsaken God and was serving idols.
God chose to give Israel what they thought they wanted,  but He warned them first:
A king would take their sons - to serve among chariots and horsemen.
A king would take their commanders to work in his fields and make his weapons.
A king would take their daughters to serve as perfumers, cooks, and bakers.
A king would take the best of their produce .
A king would take their servants and their donkeys to serve him.
A king would take their tithe from their flocks.
And finally,  a king would take them.. to be his servants.

There would come a day when Israel would cry out to the Lord because of their king, but Samuel says, "the Lord will not answer you in that day." ( v18)

The people refused to listen and still demanded a king.  They wanted a leader to fight their battles.  They forgot that it was the Lord who had delivered them time and time again. That the battle was His.
The Lord told Samuel, "Listen to their voice, and appoint them a king."

God is never surprised by the foolishness and ignorance of men.  He is never alarmed at our demands.  He does sometimes give us what we ask for... knowing that it is not the best for us, but willing to use even those things to bring about His will.  Ultimately the appointment of a king for Israel leads to the King of kings - Jesus Christ.  He will be king forever, not only for Israel but for all the nations.

Father in heaven, thank You for always loving us and working out Your own good will for us.  Thank You for the Kingdom of God, a kingdom that will never end.  May Your Kingdom come!  Father, will You help us to choose You in every aspect of our lives, to always be our King. May we serve You and love You will all of our might, with all of our heart, and with all of our soul.  It is in the Name of our King, Jesus that we pray, Amen.

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