Friday, June 20, 2014

Exodus 19  Three months have passed since they left Egypt and the Israelites reach Mount Sinai.  Here they meet the Lord.   This revelation and visitation by God to men is unique to Israel. Never before and never after would He come down to the top of the mountain in this way.

Verses 3-9  The Lord calls Moses and presents His covenant to Israel.
He brought them out of Egypt to Himself.
He wants them to obey His voice and keep His covenant.
He offers to make them His own,  a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

And the people agree.

Verses 9-17  The people prepare for a meeting with God.  They are given 3 days to get ready.
The are to be consecrated -made clean and prepared.
They were given boundaries.  They could not touch the mountain, they could not try to gaze at God.
This warning was repeated 3 times.
To come to God without preparing would bring death.
To come to God without the proper reverence  would bring death.
To come to God without His direction and calling would bring death.

Verses 18-25  The Lord descended in fire and smoke.
The whole mountain quaked.
A trumpet sounded, getting louder and louder.
God thundered.
The second warning is given,  and when Moses tells the Lord that the people knew they couldn't come up the mountain, He gives a third warning.  Moses has to go down the mountain and tell the people again.  Now Aaron is told to come up with Moses.

Father in heaven,  we come too casually to You.  We need to remember Who You are,  the God of all creation,  the powerful, mighty One,  the Redeemer Who brings us out of the dominion of darkness.. for Yourself.  We need to come in reverence and fear, in obedience and submission.  Instead we come demanding that our wants and desires be fulfilled.  Forgive us, Father. And thank You for making a way for us to come.  For we are consecrated in Christ.   We can only be cleansed and made ready by the Lord Jesus. Wash us and we will be whiter than snow.  Washed in His blood.  Cleansed by His sacrifice.  We only come in His Name.
You have removed the boundaries for us.   The veil was torn!  Hallelujah!  It is Jesus, the Son of God who has removed the boundaries.  That we might come into Your Holy Presence.  To hear Your voice and to obey Your commands.  To keep the New Covenant in Jesus.   Teach us anew these marvelous Truths.  Give us spiritual wisdom and understanding to know Your full will for each of us.  Make us all You want us to be. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

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